PC - no rain effect?

This is pic from storm with lightings. I don’t have rain effect at all on any track. All settings are set to ultra. I use gtx 1070 and 416.81 WHQL.

You sure you havn’t set a low percentage chance of tunderstorms? That’s the only thing I can think off, that or multiple wheater slots and the rain hasn’t come in yet.

Where can I find settings for percentage chance of tunderstorms? I cant find it.

Once you have selected “rain” in the main screen go to advanced rules (press ]), there you will find weather options. Start, mid race with percentage and end race with percentage.

I have it on 100% and there is no rain at all. I can record a wideo to show you a proof.

I just tried it and the rain works for me. Tried Brands Hatch Grand Prix, set to ‘heavy rain’ at start. Using the 411.70 drivers.

Odd, should work. I’m on a 1080 with driver 391.35 still.

Look - - YouTube

In the advanced settings you selected clouds, not rain. If you don’t select rain, you don’t get rain.

Guessing here but: You are doing a testdrive, wich is an unlimited amount of laps, so the game has no reference point to start the mid/end part of the race so it stays with the start setting (overcast).
Try a circuit race of say 5 laps and the rain should start somwhere at lap 2-3 or a testdrive with the first weatherslot at thunder/lightning.

Look at the second part of the video. There are thunderstorms and heavy clouds and there is no rain. So engine had time to change weather conditions.

OK I guessed wrong in my last post.

You have selected Thunderclouds and Lightning clouds wich are just as the name imlpies: CLOUDS. To have rain with them you need to select Rain lightning and/or Rain thunder, the last two options.

Testdrive seems to cycle the slots at a rate of about 1 cycle per 1.5 laps.

Sometimes the answer is so obvious that one overlooks it. DOH…

Edit: I just tested it.

Was the advanced weather condition options done away with? I remember them being available in advanced rules but I can no longer find ANY weather options other than the normal day/night/rain options