First off, here are my specs: i5 6500 / GTX 1060 3G (with a stable overclock to 2113 MHz) / 16 Go of RAM / Game installed on a 7200 rpm HDD / 1080p 120Hz display.
So I know the 3 gigs of video memory are under the recommended 4 gigs by the game but I feel like this system should be getting much better performances, especially when I look online and see similar specs running the game much better than I do. One of the closest example I can find is this video with a i5 6400.
I already did a complete cleaning of my drivers with DDU and reinstalled the game. Here is what’s happening from the first time I launch the game:
The settings are obviously set to “recommended”. Menus are a little bit laggy. I touch no setting and launch a benchmark. It’s capped to 30fps but still goes lower from time to time, averaging to 28fps. I then change the settings to “medium” with everything still in dynamic except for the framerate which I uncap (tested with and without vsync) and then I get between 40 and 55 fps. Better but still disappointing. Out of curiosity, I set the game to “ultra” 1080p and then I get an average of 6 fps. And now things are weird. The menus are all slow as hell, when I press a button, it takes approximately half a second for it to register, moving through the UI is a chore. I set the game to “very low” and even 720p, launch a benchmark. I get 18 fps average. At that point, what the [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] is happening.
I close the game and relaunch. It’s still in “very low” and 720p settings. It’s buttery smooth, the menus are much faster than the first launch, no lag at all. I launch a benchmark as is, and it averages at a 100fps. I then try to set the game to “medium” 1080p again, and get a solid 60fps, which is better than the 50fps mess I had earlier with the same setting. I go to “recommended”, I get between 40 and 60 fps. A bit unstable but playable. And then if set things to “ultra”, then it goes back to [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] with 6 fps average and tanks the performance of the menus and UI. I have to start again, setting the game to very low and closing the game.
Since “recommended” then game me decent performance, I try it again. For the first race, I get a few frame drop but it goes from 45 to 60 and is enjoyable to play. Then, I let my buddy play the same race as we restarted it. The framerate slowly tanked during his race and was after the second lap going from 20 to 30 fps. Just like the very first time I launched the game… As the lap ended, performances were noticeably worse.
Going again from “very low” to “medium” after relaunching the game gave me the best playable experience but the framerate still has a tendency to gradually get worse with no way of getting it back up (changing the settings to a lower preset doesn’t do anything framerate-wise) outside of closing and reopening the game. I also tested to change all the settings myself, not using of the “dynamic” option, but it didn’t change anything in the end.
So here I am. Does anyone have any idea of what is happening here? On other places people told me they were getting much better performance than me with similar hardware, could you guys confirm or deny that? Is it -just- because my video card has 3 gigs of VRAM while the game asks for 4?
It’s the only Microsoft Store game I own, all those things happened to the Demo of Forza 7 too. I have not a single trouble with any other game I have on Steam and run pretty much any of them at the highest setting at 1080p (the exception would be GTA V, but it’s pretty close to the highest setting).