Pathfinder Challenges & Accolades | Series 21

I like the basic idea of Pathfinder a lot!

But they need to be much more difficult. Suggestions therefore:

  1. First pathfinder start should not be shown on map but is to be searched and found like the second and third - with help from the description.
  2. Time should be much less than the 10 minutes. It should be so hard that you are not able to make in your first run.
  3. Should be longer in distance.
  4. Should be more difficult to drive (e. g. more through trees).
  5. Red balloons and green finish balloons should only become visible when you are actively driving the path - meaning after you have driven in between the first two green balloons. So that you are NOT accidentally finding the path while you are driving in freeroam. Therefore the balloons should vanish again when you are leaving the path underway.
  6. Leaving the path / deviating too much from it should result in failure and need to restart the path - like when you are leaving the road in a speed zone.

As I said in the beginning Pathfinder are a wonderful idea for a new category of PR stunts! It has been some years since the Trailblazers…

I am looking forward to see more of them in the future!