When correcting oversteer on controller, The steering is far too sensitive and the littlest amount of opposite lock input will fling the car the other way round, and there is no way to change this in the settings, horizons oversteer correction feels so smooth and responsive because it correlates with your input and dosent overdo it for you
Can we please change this or have a setting for sensetive the steering is when correcting an oversteer?
Are you running Normal steering or Simulation.
I hope you understand this is unlikely to be considered a “bug” as the simulation steering removes any and all damping from controller inputs. The steering angle is 1:1 with the controller input.
If you are struggling to maintain control of a vehicle while using sim steering, try using the sport setting of traction control and/or stability control. You will retain the sharp steering response of simulation steering but it is less likely that you will lose control of the vehicle.