[Original Painter] Alec Orion's Gallery ........Update.....new livery pg 5.......Slide Time

Really nice designs in here! great to see more metal base paints have you tried open logo’s yet? like wehere the base colour is the main colour in the logo’s…? Keep it up!

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Thank you SnakeEyes and I am working on a open logo for my next car that i will post soon. I did my race logo ( a lot of work involved in that ) but it looks good

P.s. I just learned about the contests around Christmas, cuz a turn10 mod private messaged me on my xbox, n suggested i enter lol


LFA 4SHO…Livery 20 Winner



My version of a XBOX car



Sweet Silvia v.2

Sweet Silva V.2

My early stuff





Downloaded a bunch of these today! Nice stuff.

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Thank you Oldschool just droped a few more. I think im going to put the lfa in the next contest

Monster DB9 V.2

Monster DB9 V.2

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It says drift in japanese and its the #7

Man, you’re far from an armature. Your work is on professional level. Nice, very nice! I started following you because of your designs. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you nice to know people like my stuff. but im blue collar amongst all of these A listers they do awesome work

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Alec, your work is nice! Very nice!

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I’m pretty much new in here, n feel the same. I got trashed in the forums back on forza 2 for asking how people were scanning images in. I couldn’t comprehend how they were making them out of the shapes lol. I got mad, n taught myself to paint. I was ok in forza 2, n it didn’t hold my interest long. I just came back to forza 6 right before Christmas this year. I don’t know anything about painting cars. I’ve always had a high comprehension level when it comes to color/shapes/imagery. I dropped out of school in 10th grade. I’ve been told by different video game producers they would hire me for my natural talent over itt tech grads, if i would just download the software they want me download, and get myself use to it. Because they saw stuff i did in far cry, and skate. I don’t wanna work on a computer, but if u give me a game i can create in, im gonna obsess lol.

Just telling you this, cuz i saw your previous comments about a-listers. Stop looking up to others, and look up to yourself. Beast mode unlocked lol

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I consider you one of those a listers too that freestyle work you’re doing on your post is nuts Seeing all the talent around me makes me try to step up my game I feel like I have evolved from 4 to 6 but I have a ways to go to catch up with y’all LOL

Sweet stuff… I’ll be searching your paints for sure.

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great work so far alec. I really like your base designs and hhow unique they look. Keep up the good work

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thank you thank you

Death Trap…Livery 21 Winner

Death Trap

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