Started Painting Again


Long time player of Forza .
Used to paint a lot more–never great, but started playing around in the paint booth again with Horizon 4.

A few “primative” designs on show here.
Some adapted from Forza 7 and a few new ones from Horizon 4.

Still learning the photography thing in the game , so not the greatest.

Work in the entertainment industry so I tend to theme my livery’s with logo’s from there.

Thought I’d share.

Well, I love being the first to drop a compliment on some pieces that are really nice! Keep e’m coming and keep playing around in the paint booth. I just got bit by the bug myself recently after being away from it for a year.

Always good to welcome back someone in the paint booth! I like your lotus design best, great colours on there. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2:

Thanks guys !
Been making logos all week and have some time off coming up.
Will be playing around and see what I come up with !

Lotus is my fav as well of this batch .
Some of the others are kinda “raw” in this batch .


Looking great the stuff you have here, keep at it would love to see more.

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