I’ve seen a lot of comments on youtube saying that the graphics are either not that impressive, even mediocre, and there were complaints about the environment’s detail. I personally like how crisp the graphics look, and the environment is just begging to be explored. Since some of those complaints would no doubt be from PS4 fanboys and PC elitists, I was wondering if you guys could share your opinions, since there is a low chance of haters to be here
As far as I can tell, the graphics are fantastic. Maybe they’re not quite as amazing as FM5, but I believe they laser scanned real-world tracks, while for FH2 they just used Europe as inspiration. That shouldn’t affect the texturing but probably the details. The cars look amazing, the weather looks amazing, the car materials/surfaces and the lighting are all great. I can’t say much about the environment, but if its the same as FH1 then it’ll be pretty good, if its better than it’ll be great!
For the forzatographers I think it’ll be just as good as, if not better than, FM5
It looks great! the world is full of elitists and they’re just gonna hate…
Graphics look great, Such an improvement over Forza 5 with all it’s jaggies…Not a jaggy in sight with Horizon 2. Of course they dont look as Driveclub but thats a point to point racer compared to open world with Horizon.
Yeah, Forza 5’s jaggies was pretty much my only issue with its graphics, however I wonder i it’s because of my TV. It’s a small, monitor-sized 1080p LCD though it’s brand is ChangHong so I don’t really trust it even though I myself am asian lol. Do you think Horizon 2’s jaggies would be less noticeable on a mediocre quality LCD?
The graphics sure look great to me
Stop doing that and life becomes a lot easier.
Yes, lots of people on YouTube are making comments about a pre-production model of a product they themselves have absolutely no experience with.
I remember in one video the McLaren P1s rear end looked like garbage, the spoiler was stuck in the up position and when you applied the brakes it tweaked up and down awkwardly but maybe because this isn’t the final product and they’re still working on things. You’ve all seen Forza Horizon,you’ve all seen Forza Motorsport 5, and you know this is the newest game coming out. Chances are high it will look a lot like Forza Motorsport 5 with an open world feel. There have been several videos to come out from PG and T10 but if you want to know what the game looks like, wait for the demo.
Until then, whatever opinions you may form may be incorrect or irrelevant, especially if you’re sitting at your computer trolling on YouTube. The opinions you should be seeking are those of people at the gaming conventions who have had experience with the demo of the game. Not the press and the developers, the real people.
its typical yotube trolls, “proper” gamers appreciate how good the graphics are when you consider the size and complexity of a game like this, i have no doubt this game is going to be a cracker!
The game looks great to me. Considering the game is open world it is very impressive, we don’t even know how big the world is yet, so it may be even more impressive if the world is truly huge.
It great having amazing graphics, but I prefer game play, sometimes the two do go hand in hand, but id rather scale back graphics to incorporate better game play features, such as dynamic weather. Plus graphics, especially environments mean less in a racing game, as your tearing around at over 100 mph most of the time anyway.
All things considered, I think Playground have done an excellent job. From the small previews I have seen… show us more! lol
The only problem I have with the environment is all the low-hanging branches that go into the road. The cars just go right through them. Other than that, though, it looks great.
Although, I hope they fix the glitches with some of the factory wheels being unpaintable because they go back to being silver when you move. And the interior lights on some cars turning on when you use the brakes.
To me it looks that FH2 has inherited some aliasing from F5 graphics engine (F5 has quite a lot aliasing some times…) Scenery and weather looks nice but car lighting looks really odd sometimes, like car is in shadow it still is too bright compared what it would really look in shadows. (Car looks like it does not belong in that environment)
(edit) Worst example of lighting: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzAHt3oOXif_VVZja3VZYUJPTkRuMk0yY0RoUW5iTXVOMC1j/edit?pli=1

To me it looks that FH2 has inherited some aliasing from F5 graphics engine (F5 has quite a lot aliasing some times…) Scenery and weather looks nice but car lighting looks really odd sometimes, like car is in shadow it still is too bright compared what it would really look in shadows. (Car looks like it does not belong in that environment)
(edit) Worst example of lighting: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzAHt3oOXif_VVZja3VZYUJPTkRuMk0yY0RoUW5iTXVOMC1j/edit?pli=1
Agreed, I will be disappointed if they haven’t fixed simple lighting issues like that. Especially when they keep telling us just how many particles there are in the air to give that real sky look.
The realism breaks down when you have glaring lighting issues such as the one you’ve pointed out there.

To me it looks that FH2 has inherited some aliasing from F5 graphics engine (F5 has quite a lot aliasing some times…) Scenery and weather looks nice but car lighting looks really odd sometimes, like car is in shadow it still is too bright compared what it would really look in shadows. (Car looks like it does not belong in that environment)
(edit) Worst example of lighting: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzAHt3oOXif_VVZja3VZYUJPTkRuMk0yY0RoUW5iTXVOMC1j/edit?pli=1
That is an error that will almost certainly be fixed in the final game. The issue is that the car still ‘thinks’ it is outside. The ambient lighting layer (which has to be baked, since it is extremely difficult to render diffused light in real time) still has the ‘outside’ lighting projected onto it. It is likely Playground Games just hasn’t baked the indoor lighting yet (or specifically this tunnel’s ambient lighting if they are going to that depth), or they just don’t have it applied in this demo for whatever reason.
Looks amazing!
Horizon 2 uses the new Forward plus rendering technique. It’s the best of both worlds between forward rendering and deferred rendering. It allows thousands of lights, as well as interactive materials and anti-aliasing all in one system, while limiting overheads. It is a new technology being touted by AMD, and as such it may be that we’re seeing teething issues or incomplete features. Hopefully they will be fixed by launch, but even if there were weird lighting issues come launch, at least we know they can be patched out if we complain incessantly for the first 6 months! lol
Nevermind the light why does that car infront look so bad? Looks worse than a standard GT5 car.
Nevermind the light why does that car infront look so bad? Looks worse than a standard GT5 car.
It’s because it’s one of the traffic cars. They always have a lower polycount. Personally I don’t think it is that bad at all.
People never cease to amaze. In my opinion, all of the Forza games, especially since Forza 4, look amazing. I will be picking this game up on 360. and even then to me at least, this game will be great visually. It just seems that people will always find some reason to complain no matter what they’re given. “Those textures aren’t 100% right”, “That object looks blurry or jagged”, bla bla bla. Taken as a whole, the experience looks better than anything I could have imagined growing up. Take a look at these graphics if you will. I played this game, Test Drive, with 4 color CGA graphics on an 086 - 8mhz computer with a 20mb hard drive back in 87’-88’ or so…
Then go back to Forza Horizon 2.
I think the game looks spectacular.