Hello there,
I am currently working on a project to start Forzas own version of motorsport.com entitled the ‘Forza Racing Alliance’ to cater for Forza organisational groups to display series/league information, race schedules, race results, standings and group promotional material.
My goal is not to combine/dissolve or change individual Forza groups but to promote and spotlight good clean racing. Smaller groups that struggle with player numbers could benefit hugely from this in the long run. I can’t stress enough that this will be an informational site and has no intention of interfering with how groups are run, If any groups want to organise something together that would be down to the individual groups just how it would through any other means.
Each Forza group will have a dedicated webpage for information and links for the groups own social media. If you decide this is something you might be interested in you would automatically become part of the FRA admin team and have complete control on how your group interacts with and is displayed on the web site.
We currently have 3 moderate to large sized groups on board and several others still in communication.
I have also set up an optional Discord server with various text channels for everyones needs including private text channels for the admins of individual groups and for posting race results & standings so they can be added to the FRA website. There are also high quality voice comms channels on the Discord server for when both Forza 7 game chat and party chat are bugging out.
The web site is currently under construction and is due to go live in July 2018 (possibly earlier).
If anyone would like to find out more don’t hesitate to message SkullArmy through xbox live or just send a party chat invite.
just to reiterate that this letter is intended for Forza players that run their series/leagues.
David (31), UK
gt: SkullArmy