I have been seeing that there are a lot of leagues and series trying to finally emerge on Forza 5, which is awesome, but it seems that our player base is getting stretched somewhat thin. What I am proposing is that we conglomerate all the different series under one roof into a singular league. There are some racers that want to run a specified class with assists and there are others that want to run without, just like there are racers that want a serious league and some that want something more casual. If we can standardize the leagues to just one and then build the various series from there it might be easier to get people involved and to fill each series. This is just a suggestion, so please all of you that are trying to run a league give some feedback on whether you think this is a good idea and how it may need to be structured.
I have some personal opinions on the structure but it will take all of us to collectively pan it all out to run smooth as possible.
its a silly idea, imagine you have put in lots of work and ran a league through various forza games and then you ask them to merge with a league not doing so well, who runs that league, power sharing is never a good thing.
i suggest that the poorer leagues “do one” so the better ran leagues can pick up the other racers, after all would you prefer to race somewhere that is organised or somewhere that just throws things together last minute.
the 2 i choose to race in have lots of racers and are ran well with well put together websites.
TORA and Virtual motorsports.
im sure there are loads i do not even know about but thats good, there are lots of racers so why not lots of leagues, in the end only the good ones will survive anyway.
as for trying to put a league together it takes more than a couple of weeks, you need a structure, admin, and then the time to promote and run races, thats why already running leagues will win everytime as they have learnt how to do it well over time.
the best thing forza or Turn 10 could do is recommend leagues, rather tha run there own they could take a look at some leageus and what they think to be the best ones promote them with a small banner here, that way it will bring racers together.
First off thanks for your input, but maybe silly was a bad choice seeing that you are not getting the concept that is being pitched.
TORA and VM have nothing major for every walk of racing up and running on Forza 5, hence the suggestion. While I agree that it takes structure, a leading body, and a well organized site, what I suggested merely puts that under one roof.
You said it yourself that there are probably other good leagues that you don’t know about. If there was only one huge, governed league offering a multitude of applicable series for all walks of Forza racers, things would be more simple. Think of it this way, if you want to run F1, Indy, and GT, is it not better to have that ability under one game rather than 2 or 3 different ones? Same with series.
I would care less if the league was TORA or VM, but there are series that are lacking or non existent. TORA for example is an awesome league, but I don’t like their points system, the multiple race lobbies for a single series, or the fact that there is a lack of constructor championships for their series, but that’s just me, now multiply that across the multitude of other opinions and TORA doesn’t fit the build I’m suggesting.
Thats exactly what I did with 2 other leagues. We are all looking for the same thing, and currently have 30 drivers interested in my GTFOR Racing League, and to help accommodate with everyone schedule, we are hosting 2 chances to race per week, one daytime race on Tuesday, one night time race on Thursday.
i see what your saying but if all series were ran by one site then lets say it was v8 cars, there would be like 1000 racers in the series, how could they be expected to hold weekly races with that many.
you say they have nothing running for every type on forza 5 but i don’t think any league could do all series at once, what if you wanted to race in them all, thats why most will do a series followed by another once first one is finished, that way everyone gets the chance to race in every series.
you say you dont like multiple race lobbies for single series but if you can only have 18 racers in each lobby how will you have a single lobby as they have more than 18 signing up hence the multiple lobbies.
as for the lack of constructor championship its not really possible, again imagine racing in a class, there is prob a stand out car in each class that most use so if 17 out of 18 use same car its not gonna work, they do have team championships in both league above.
i think the reason there are so many leagues is because ppl all want diff things, some like the fact that they are in smaller lobbies, some like that they race certain classes and so on, trying to merge them all will reduce the numbers.
i say each league can be what it wants to be and if they are happy with their numbers thats great, there are a lot of leagues popping up i see then all the time in these forums and like evreything in life if its good and what ppl want it will survive, if not then they can try try again.
If you are saying it is impossible to coordinate a massive group of people you are wrong. Virtual motorsports does that very thing every week. Multiple types of racing too. I myself and 5 friends are doing the exact same thing. It is possible if you can find people willing to put in the time. Finally I agree, that this does take up a large am out of time, but I love racing, and I have no problem coordinating an extremely fun event that everyone enjoys! It is very worth it at the end of the day