Online lobby and party issue.

So I was in a party with a buddy and we were in a ABC’S lobby. Ran a race and selected the next track, when I was loading a tune I was bumped from the lobby. When I tried to rejoin the lobby I was unable to join through my friends profile on the friends list. When he finished the race he wasn’t given the option too invite me either. So he left the lobby and joined a new one and sent me an invite. When I went back into the multiplayer screen it prompted me to join my party’s lobby just like it has done every other time we play. However instead of putting me into his new lobby it placed me back into the original lobby we were in. So I left the room and backed all the way out of the game and back too the home screen and quit the game. I restarted the game and tried to join his lobby through the friends list and through the party prompt in the multiplayer screen and it kept sending me back into the previous lobby. Shut down the console and tried again, after 20min I just called it quits.

Before it starts I was not kicked from the lobby. I ran one race with only five of us in the room and had no contact with anyone in the lobby. If I was kicked from the lobby it also would have blocked me from rejoining that lobby.

Has anyone else ran into this issue? Is it a server glitch on T10’s side or Xbox live?

Yes mate I get it alot and all members in our team also get this so its an ongoing issue and your not alone.

We also find now that Party chat is clear as a bell and when we get too many in the Party and switch to game chat in lobbies all the voices become “robotic” making it very difficult to call out our passes etc…

Its a FM5 issue as it doesnt happen on other games we play together, also the in game chat doesnt go “robotic & scratchy” in other games either.

To fix the “getting back into the right lobby”

rather than back out all you need to do is open Party chat up and select “leave party and game” option, then join your buddy’s party again and join game, this will put you back into their game/lobby which will be the correct one your after.

hope that helps for that issue.

Okay I will do that next time. I was worried it was my console going wacky, gald I’m not alone in this. Thanks.