Party Chat issues

After playing Forza all weekend, I have a couple of issues I have noticed.

  1. It seems every time you join a friend in a lobby you are kicked out of your Xbox live party. You switch back and it will kick you out again if one of you leave the lobby to tune your car.
  2. This game seems to lock up more often then FM6 did. sounds like a CD skipping and then returns you to the loading in screen.
  3. The opponent names of the people online would disappear and I would have to reset the Xbox to get them to come back.

I don’t know if there is a specific thread for this already.
Just wondering if T10 is aware and are working on a fix for these issues…Thanks

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There is another post about this somewhere else, however I have been having the same issue? I was beginning to wonder if this was a known issue?

Having the same issues with chat when going online forces you into in game chat and also chat breaking up

Also it will randomly go quiet in large game lobbies then suddenly chat sound comes back after a few minutes.