Getting switched to game chat whenever I join a lobby while in a party

Is this being addressed? It is beyond annoying. Every single time you join a hopper or multiplayer it switches you to game chat and you spend the next 15 minutes trying to get everyone back in the party again. And with the servers disconnecting you constantly it is a huge issue.



Is this being addressed or not?

When i thought T10 couldnt possibly stuff up chat any more than they did in FM6 they pull this rabbit out of the hat.

Why a game can silently and unwillingly flip me to game chat when im in a party is a little worrying. I thought parties would be a system level thing and lower level games/apps would not have acess to mess with it but i guess not.

What’s next T10, how about you delete a random friend from my list any time i buy a new car from a hopper lobby… that way ill forget how annoying the party chat bug is.

But seriously this should be simple to fix, just remove any and all code that fiddles with parties/chat, theres no reason for forza to toggle between em or mess with party chat at all.

I am also having this problem and am very annoyed by it! Leave us in our party chat sessions!

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