On Xbox One, these are pretty buggy at the moment.
Things that have happened to me today:
- when in a online lobby, pre or post race, the menu system is very very slow, dimwitted and seems to have a mind of it’s own
- sometimes after a race with the continue and save replay buttons I can’t select anything
- often post race, I get stuck on the driver level “update” where it shows your progress and can’t get out
- sometimes I join a lobby in time to start, but stay out in the pit lane and the race starts without me
- the latest one, i was parachuted in from about 50ft at the start line, landed on top someone’s Mini. 3,2,1… Go… everyone races off - but I’m stuck where I fell, in gear, revving but can’t move
- randomly crashes out to xbox dashboard
Surely it’s not just me?