On-board Management/Mechanic System

On-board Mechanic System (OMS)

Allow us to be able to adjust car some mechanics while driving.

Light, Flash and Indicators
Always available.

ABS and Traction Control
Available for Sport equipment as on/off.
Available for Race equipment as 0-10.

Brake Bias
Fuel Mix/Engine Mapping
Available for Race equipment.

Ok, but how?
Add keyboard support for Xbox to adjust these features. Similar to F1 (remappable) and ACC (pre-defined).
Via nested menu which can be accessed via the D-pad.

Suggestion for a nested OMS Menu

  • Lights Up
    • Flash Up
    • Light Down (circle 3 modes: on, high beam, off)
    • Indicator Left Left
    • Indicator Right Right
  • Mechanics Right
    • ABS
      • On/Off (sport) Left Right
      • 0-5 (race) Left Right
    • Brake Bias
      • -20 to +20 of current tune (race) Left Right
    • Fuel Mix/Engine Mapping
      • 1-5 (race) Left Right
    • Traction Control
      • On/Off (sport)
      • 0-5 (race)
    • Differential (race) (RWD/FWD)
      • -20 to +20 of current tune (race)
    • Differential (race) (AWD)
      • Front
        • -20 to +20 of current tune (race)
      • Rear
        • -20 to +20 of current tune (race)
  • Telemetry Down
  • Pitstop Right
    • Tires
      • Soft
        • PSI Overall adjustment + / -
      • Medium
        • PSI Overall adjustment + / -
      • Hard
        • PSI Overall adjustment + / -
      • Wet
        • PSI Overall adjustment + / -
    • Fuel
      • Add Adjust by - to +10L

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On GTSport and 7, we can change things during races and we can change it with the D pad (Left, right for changing what to display/modify, and up, down for modifying the settings). It can works on FM too without problem

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Thanks, I was looking for that earlier since I don’t have GT (nor a PlayStation), but I couldn’t find a video about it.