Official Weekly FH5 Livery Competition - Week 081

wrong code. Sorry

Car: Alfa Romeo 155 Q4


SC: 130 143 231

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2003 Nissan Fairlady Z

GT: Lertzu96
SC: 936 865 783


I know i dont stand a chance, but here goes. GT: MilotronZeta #LivRev081 SC: 182-105-267.

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Car: Alfa Romeo 155 Q4 (with real livery of the DTM 95)

GT: TheStigIT

SC: 102 638 079

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GT: NoDramaLama4909

Name: Hoonigan “It’s a Living” Tuthill Porsche

Car: Porsche 911

SC: 101 281 928

u/The_No_Drama_Lama (timelapse available)


GT: Archduke67
Car : 1980 Fiat Abarth 131
File Name: 1000 lakes 1980
SC: 311 516 248

Replica of the car that won the 1000 lakes rally in Finland in 1980.


This has expired now hasn’t it? Or if not it’s too late to submit anything?

Shouldn’t be expired yet. Not for another 13 hours from what I’m reading.

Well it said it ended at 4:00 on Thursday and it’s gone past that…


8PM Pacific Time Zone. It’s not even 8AM Pacific yet. You know today is Thursday, right?

Yeah, hence thinking it’s over.

Is it a bad idea to submit something last minute?

Hasn’t that already passed?

If it’s not become clear I’m quite thick.

No… It has not passed Thusday 8PM Pacific isn’t for another 11 hours from right now. You have 11 hours to submit something for this week. What time zone are you in? I don’t think you’re grasping that.

Click on the “Friday” in the original post. It’ll tell you the time zones Thursday 8PM Pacific.


Not at all, no.

Oh, I get it now. Tomorrow at 4AM for UK and 8PM today for US.

Ok. So it’s 3PM where you are, yes? If you convert that to Thursday 8 PM PST, that will be 4AM BST

For some stupid reason I thought that “tomorrow” was today and that it expired 11 hours ago. :man_facepalming:

It’s a small world after all. LOL. It’s not tomorrow yet. It’ll be yesterday before you know it.

Is it stupid to submit a livery this late?