Odd vehicle 'stoppie' glitch I am experiencing

I apologize if it’s been brought up before, I follow these forums rather closely but haven’t seen anything posted about it so…

This morning and yesterday while finishing up bonus career races, I’ve been experiencing odd glitches with notably tiny cars (fiat 500, smaller VW’s etc.) and them doing stoppies (aka when they brake, their car tips forward, rear tires up in the air, and sparks flying everywhere)…

It usually happens off of long straights, like the straight on Yas Marina, and the straight on Catalunya… See attached video.

This happen to anyone else?

another weird bug I’ve been having today is whenever I start the race, everyone in the field starts as a dirty lap, no matter if there’s cut corners, car bumping etc, everyones got dirty laps, and even if I run clean laps, they still show as dirty… not sure why at all 0.o

I’ve seen it happen a few times in those mini hatchback races, pretty hilarious when a car goes flying past you into a braking zone grinding on its front bumper with its butt in the air

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Haha you’re right it is hilarious, I just thought it was odd, cause I’ve never really seen/noticed it before.

Yep, seen it a few times. First time I was like “what the…”!!! It is funny to watch with sparks flying and all… Think I even save a clip of one.

Yes, that happened to me as well but I never captured it on video.
I really wonder what makes this happen though.

Ive seen Delta S4’s and Yellowbirds doing wheelies on exit from turns too

I had the same thing in that championship → Forza Motorsport 5 - Fiat Abarth 500 Brake Issue - YouTube