Odd car glitches in races.

The lights are odd on these 3 cars and I wanted to show you all. Acura scion VXR

Nice pics, but what is wrong ?

SO what exactly am I looking at?

Bad reflections on the Le Mans mostly, I posted this before.

Bad reflections on the Le Mans mostly, I posted this before.

Bad reflections on the Le Mans mostly, I posted this before.

the glitches in tag-virus test track fix that first and give us a new track like TOP GEAR we get so bored on the test track
and maybe we dont have each room full with glitchers they ruin the game for the real players!!!
and let us create private lobbies that are joinable like in forza 4 , but that the host can throw out glitchers
this glitching is killing me and the game it was ment to be. i dont understand turn10 wont fix this sooner the should know about their game?

same as i tag-virus people glitch out of the map .
so all ingame players gotta wait for the glitcher to come back in map to get tagged
but all people in lobby waiting long times and can’t see that there are ingame glitchers .
so they wont know nothing at that point . firstwe had the thing with small cars between containersnow we got glitchers
who are ruining the game.
forza and turn10 PLEASE FIX THIS QUICK !!!

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So people like you do exist.

no it dont i fail to see the problem

if you mean this pic i still dont see it. Hes pointing the camera at the sun theres ganna be glare on the image

I was showing the headlights for the Acura and Scion and the Astra has brakelight glitches if it gets rear ended.

now you’ve said it i can see it, bit weird that