Nurbergring not loading

sat on a loading screen for 10+ mins waiting for the track to load. hard reboot solves the problem until the game decides to reload the same track, rendering the same issue.
come on turn10 admit there is a problem with the track and patch it. MS have server issue atm that I understand but it shouldnt affect tracks being installed from the disc

Had that earlier also on Long Beach. And once crashed no other game will load properly either until hard reset of console. Seems the game is unplayable at the moment.

if you go to the Xbox live status page it says they have some problems with Downloaded content.

I found that all the DLC car’s and all the DLC tracks don’t work. You can play the game but as soon as you get a DLC car or DLC track in a lobby or in career mode then it crashes and a hard reboot is needed.

Hope this help.

Its not turn 10 its the microsoft server.

Nope it’s not just the ring I can’t get any track to load. DLC or not. It just freezes. I can’t play this game anymore. All I can do is paint. Can’t even go into tune mode

I’m witnessing the same for the Le-Mans circuit, all others seem to be working fine, but Le-Mans starts the loading screen then freezes on the picture of the circuit map. Full re-boot doesn’t make a difference and it’s been reoccurring now for at least two days.

It doesn’t make a difference which car I choose either.

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Correction, just tried Long Beach and Nurbergring and neither of those are working either now.

Having the same issues with all tracks since i recently Dl’ed the car pass.

I can only race on one track Indie GP, it is only track that will actually load for me

Since this appears to be an issue with microsofts “Cloud”, it might be a good idea to go into your Xbox network settings and temporarily disable the networking on your system then try and access the maps/cars in offline mode. Assuming that the cloud issue has in no way impacted your local profiles save data this may well give the game some limited usability. If it works, at least you can tune and race in single player mode even tho multiplayer and rivals will not be usable. I’ll give it a shot asap and post again with my results. Best of luck everyone-

Ok, as I suspected the game has absolutely no issue loading and playing all maps with all cars as long as you disconnect from xbox live before starting your game.

It’s absurd to see just how many ways this cloud bs has compromised the overall quality of the xbox experience. Absolutely everything about the interface on xbox one from accessing and interacting with your friends list to viewing achievement status is several times slower than it was on the last gen console, and it’s all due to Microsofts ridiculous insistence that this data be housed in the cloud as opposed to using a few MB of local storage to perform this function as was done in the past. As frustrating as I’ve found this to be I’ve done my best to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, running under the assumption that there must surely be some spectacular advantage to this approach that I am ignorant of. However, now if I simply wish to play a game, even with no aspect of multi player involved, I have to disconnect my console from the multi million dollar exercise in inefficiency known as Xbox Live or the game will freeze up if I try to access any of the additional DLC content I paid additional money for?
Mind… blown-

No mention of anything from T10? What’s with the Forza 5 game crashing, not loading, freezing and having me do hard reboot of console to be able to use the console again.

I pre-ordered Forza Horizon 2 but now I’m slowly having regrets due to lack of communication and the problems with Forza 5.

Come on Turn 10 give us some info atleast

This has been discovered to be a Microsoft issue for users that are a part of the Xbox Preview Updates. It is happening across all games now

So let me get this straight, I can’t even play the Nurburgring in Offline mode because Microsoft broke the cloud in the last update? :expressionless: Back to Destiny… I guess.

This is getting beyond a joke. I paid £35 pounds for a game i cannot play. Why dont turn10 or microsft studios do something about this error by getting of their backside and stop thinking about how much money they are gonna make of horizon 2. To be they are gonna make nothing if they are gonna upset us gamers. Turn10 and microsoft are time wasters. Also ppl should boycott buying horizon 2 umtil forza 5 problem is fixed

Wow I thought it was just me. I’m glad I found this place. I bought forza and played non stop and then a few days later almost every other track makes me need to re start xbox one. I can not play the fwd challenge at all. Won’t get past loading track screen. Along with many other tracks. I’m devastated.

If you are part of the beta process, you should have an update available which apparently fixes all games (including FM5) and the no-go problems. Details are in the beta forums.