No licence plate at the front of the car?

I just noticed when I saw some new screenshots that there are only licence plates on the back of the car. Will we be able to have it on both the front and the back or only the back of the car?

You don’t wanna block the intercooler, in my opinion cars look better without front plates.


In my opinion cars look better with nothing but the stock or custom nice grill on the front. I would take off the plate as well in my custom truck.

My two minutes of Google searching seems to indicate that Australia requires both front and rear license plates.

When I’m playing this game, driving at illegal speeds, in illegal races on public roads, in a reckless and dangerous manner, the thing that’s really going to bother me is the knowledge that I have the incorrect number of license plates on my car. :wink:


Haha, you indeed have a point but when cruising having a plate in the front of the car would just be a more realistic feature since you won’t drive at insane speeds, race or drive recklessly (at least try to lol)

Also, could the fact that the licence plate is european, american or australian etc change the number of licence plates?

Not everyone races at high speeds. Me and my friends do a lot of realistic cruising and I’m really hoping for turn signals since we have horns and plates now.

Technically against the law here in California, but my car has been without a front license plate or a front license plate mount for 16 years now without me being told to do anything about it. If people want a front license plate, I don’t have a problem with it, to each his or her own, but I completely don’t get it … unless the front of your car is so ugly that you want to hide part of it with something un-aerodynamic. I file that under “things that make your car worse”.

I would say that it’s probably not going to happen, however, it would be cool if you could toggle on the front license plate or maybe put it in the windshield I know that is popular with some tuner cars.

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I would like to see both front and back, where I work on the Gold Coast there are a lot of highend cars that only have rear number plates, few lambos, few ferraris and my favourite a yellow AMG Black series SLS. So it does happen in Australia just not as common as having two number plates.

I highly doubt we’ll see front plates because unlike rear plates which every road legal car has a spot for them, not every car has a dedicated front plate placement. Front plates would need to be a seperate 3d model like a front spoiler is, rather than the rear plate essentially only needing to be a sticker or vinyl. It probably wouldnt be a big deal to add a front plate, but im sure most wouldn’t want to put one on most cars especially exotics where they usually look stupid. Im also already imagining the complaints we’ll likely see talking about how license plates dont fall off when you get rear ended because its not realistic lol.

I understand that supercars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis and McLarens doesn’t have a spot for a licence plate in the front of the car but how about cars like the Audi RS6? The RS6 does acutally have a spot where a licence plate is supposed to sit in the front. Wouldn’t it look strange if it had a licence plate in the back but not in the front even if there was a spot for it?

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It certainly would be more realistic to have front and rear plates but aside from the aesthetic value, what use is it? Who exactly is going to pull you over for only having a rear plate, cruising or not? :wink:

Why? Nooot… :slight_smile:

I prefer no license plate in the front, Simply because it looks better.

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Honestly I don’t see why we’d need a licence plate in the front. Those are for viewing when the car is parked, but we won’t be doing much of that in fh3. Do you expect to read a licence plate at the front of car, driving in the opposite direction with both car A and B driving 100 kph? NO!! Lol.

I guess if the car style doesn’t accommodate a front license plate, then so be it. As long as there’s one on the car, back or front, is all I care about. This is a very cool car feature indeed.

Turn ten have already announced Number plates/ Licence plates, but will these be for the front and back of cars or just the back because personally I think that some cars don’t look quite right without a front number plate…

Quite true mate. And most European cars have the flattened area in the front cone that’s there for licence plates.

There are those cars that do not have them, and depending on the country, you can get an exemption to only use rear plates. Same goes for driving LHD cars here in Australia.

But, you must carry any exception with the car I case you have the displeasure of being pulled over by the police, especially our Highway Patrol.

You could make sudo plates on the front if you had the talent to do the, in the paintbooth dead easy actually. There’s a few available if you do a search.


You must admit that some cars, even if they don’t have a groove for the plate, look better with one.

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No. All cars look better without one.

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