Ever since the made it more open world in FH2 and made the races fit that, AI have been getting away with missing checpoints with jo fix. Seriously, you could oush someone around a checkpoint and it won’t bother them. Its not fair that we have to go through or get a reset, but they could just drive around them as nuch as they want. Why can’t they be given a timer, or do what happens in The Crew where position is first sorted by the number of checkpoints a person has passed, then by who is in front of who.
I must be the luckiest Forza player ever. In FH3 I’ve had nearly 1500 races and never noticed an AI missing a checkpoint once. Maybe it’s because I’m more interested in what I’m doing rather that worrying what the AI does. Don’t recall it happening in FH2 either.
It happens on its own rarely.
It happens a lot on Mountain Cross Country Circuit. I used to run 20+ laps in A class. They jump past a checkpoint and end up with a laptime 10 seconds quicker than possible, so even if you dont see it happen you will know from the post race screen.
Yep they definitely miss checkpoints , happens quite a bit actually.
Moutain CC Circuit is a biggie it almost a couple time a game. I love running that circuit for the skill xp on my quest to finish all the championships. And when I’m not in LB car it gets a little nerve racking - being jumped on trying to keep skill chain alive. and they fly past the checkpoint after the jump quite a bit