No drift or Drag racing online!

This game is really getting on my nerves. First Ultimate Edition is not even Ultimate, second VIP membership barely has anything that you can seriously call VIP, third launch date Loyalty rewards were taken away to make people spend money on crates? And on release date i come to find out while playing that public lobby for Drag racing is gone along with minigames like infected, tag, soccer among others. What its going on at Turn 10, are they serious with this release? It seems to me more like a beta. As a loyal fan that has been playing since Forza 2 i demand more this is insane.

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Was surprised to see a number of features missing and or delayed. As a tuner Im also not a fan of buying upgraded cars. This version of Forza just seems uninspiring. Forza 4 and Forza Horizon 3 will be getting a bit more attention while Forza 7 sits on the shelf collecting dust, Shame on Microsoft for selling us an incomplete game !

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No drift lobby is a huge nono for me. If there’s no drift lobby by tomorrow, and no official statement from Turn10, ill refund.
I’m tired of playing early access, beta games.

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Do your self a favour and read some other threads

Full multiplayer is still to follow too so maybe it will be added then

Ultimate is the same as it has been since fm3 too

I should not have to read around on a forum to figure out when/if a drift lobby will appear? Which might not even be true. Hence why I want to hear it from T10 themselfs

They did this with Forza 6 on early release. The rest of the lobbies should come tomorrow with game launch or shortly after.

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So much for that…

I haven’t played the past few days of buying the game since there was no drift lobbies. What a waste of money. I just would like an answer.

Since when is there no drift lobby ?

I’ve been playing since the midnight early release and that was the first thing me and my friends played was online drift.

I’ll agree no drag is pretty dull. But drifting has been there since day one.

I did have access to the drift lobby, as far as I can see now tho it has been removed.