Been playing Forza Horizon 4 every single day since early access became available for Ultimate Edition owners, on Xbox btw. I’ve noticed in the recent days with all the levels I’ve gained and progress I’ve made in the game the barn find rumors haven’t triggered for me. Even the seasonal barn finds haven’t popped for me, which means I’ve already missed the previous two, and I’m about to be robbed of the current winter exclusive barn find too.
Am I the only one that after all these days of playing since having early access with the ultimate edition I haven’t had one single barn find rumor pop up in my game? I can’t find anything remotely close online that indicates anyone else has had this problem. What gives? Any ideas anyone?
I feel like my game is bugged with this because I personally have friends that have made much less progress than I have in the game yet even they have received the seasonal barn finds at least.