does everybody remember the issues some players had where they would start the game with too much influence skip a lot of the start of the game and then found barn finds would not work? They just never ever unlocked and there is no mention of them on the radio stations?
Well I submitted a ticket within the first week of the game being out for us ultimate edition players, I know I was not the only one. I was told that they are aware of this issue and are looking into it. Well it has been a long, long time and my barn finds still do not work, no patch or update and it is very quiet on this front.
I had the same problem, support told me that I had to delete my saved game from all locations, including the cloud.
I lost everything including my gifted credits and several Forza edition cars. Since then barn finds are working but all I am getting is junk on the spins. My gifted credits from the Hub didn’t even come through this week.
I was going to purchase the ultimate edition upgrade but until they get their act together I think I will pass.
They told me this too, as I had spent 40+ hours in the game and had got to over 100 in level I was not willing to do all that again. I asked about raising this issue higher up the chain of management and they closed the ticket saying it is being looked into and to look out for further info. This was months ago…
I noticed something weird when I was playing with a friend who was just starting and was still in the beginning “tutorial” mode . I went offline and started playing and I was stuck in his season, then when I went online it was showing some old last season seasonal events. I redid and speedtrap one and got a super wheelspin and then had to do the Morgan three-wheeler challenge again. I sat in a forzathon pink circle and instead of 10 minutes I had to wait 36960 hours 8 minutes and 24 seconds. Maybe this time travel could help your barn finds show up? When I rebooted my game it all synced up and I still had my super wheelspin. Might corrupt your save data though…?
I did delete , I am back to level 215 and my only problem is the gifted credits lost at 300000 per week, and the fact that every spin was bad since I restarted.