Nizzan Z

With all the disappointment PGG has given us they could at least have thrown the Rocket Bunny kit along with the car.

But why would they even try to impress us!!!

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its just

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Why complain? We get new content every single series as well as new or returning cars. We should be greatful to have the Z in general. Its a very new car or updates alone. Since older Forza titles you had the cars and that was it… Anyways… licensing isnt just something you can just snap your fingers and its there. The Z being as new as it is. Nissan more than likely wants to showcase the car as it is to help boost sales. Therefore why it has no body kits. Ofc put the blame on T10/PGGs though they try there hardest to get content out to us. Personally new content every week is good with me. For those who complain about “recycled” content… its been like this for quite some time… i dont understand why its such a issue now? By quite some time i mean every single title…


Be glad you actually have the car instead of not having it at all


I think there are no bodykits yet because the car is so new. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. They’ll probably will be added at a later time once they’re available (and they’re able to get the licenses)


I don’t remember FH1-3 having the recycled things dressed up as new content 15 months into their lives.

If you like dripfeed fine, but don’t go all sanctimonious on people that don’t.


@TheGillesMuller :slightly_smiling_face: Must I share more

Pontiac was the one I had pulled up previously so it was the first to pop up.

Recycling has been a thing that has been done for ages. I wasn’t being “sanctimonious” its the reality of it and people just complain. I do not understand it… as typically when they state recycle it refers to the cars… and as it isnt incorrect it isnt new like everyone treats it to be.

The bits and pieces of the community who are upset about it is sad, but its been going on forever. Its nothing new. I am mostly wondering when it will die down… as in previous titles we never had some of the rude things that are spread here due to “recycling” cars. Immediately spreading hate on the devs. They work hard for what they do.


Shouldnt have limited to just here. Heck even monthlys and lets go streams have to have chats disabled in things like youtube and such nowadays. Twitch is the only one… where you can even chat without alot of this hate toward the devs and even then its heaviliy moderated. They dont deserve that.

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I’m not sure what your point is? Cars being carried over at launch is completely fine and what should happen with every single possible car to do that with.

But any car that was in FH4 that isn’t in this game people are well within reason to just shrug their shoulders if it does eventually come, it isn’t new or exciting when people could just hop on the previous game to drive it in all the time it’s been absent in 5.

I would much rather have weeks of nothing if it meant my first sentence of this post applied + anything that came was genuinely new such as this Z.

But for example a Galant that was in FH4 and additionally has been seen by everyone countless times already since it’s a traffic car in FH5?

You’re insulting people’s intelligence if you think the only responses to that should be proclaiming how lucky we are.


While some of these cars were carried over at launch alot of these were not. Alot of these were unicorns, dlc content, etc. to bring them back. I am not trying to sound pushy. I just find it super disheartening and still cant get a grasp to where a lot of these upset points came from and why it decided to flare up in FH5 and not previous titles. Forza has been something I have loved since 05. Never heard or seen anything like the sort of situations with FH5 currently. Again recycling is nothing new. Seeing people upset is extremely upsetting.

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I believe this is what occurs when the level of tolerance of passionate players has been exhausted to its current state. If the rollout of such content was offset by new content, anticipated expansions & positive engagement/communication to address those concerns, then the community would likely be more tolerable. As it is, we are seeing a paradigm shift of previously dedicated fans of the franchise.


Yup I guess the car is to new for PGG to have been able to add a kit to the car, so my bad!

Why complain? Because they truly need it.

I don’t have any complaints about recycled cars cause it’s so many gems missing from FH4.

But their choices of cars to recycle and with the rate they are doing it is at a very low level.

They should be able to impress me once in a while cause I’m a person easy to impress…


By glad you get a pittance from the developers to keep teasing you along. Be glad for the mediocrity of the game they keep handing out in little tiny bits and pieces. By glad for the things that never worked and the support tickets marked as designed that way, or not going to fix it…

Yeah, I just got the new Z. Be glad for the super nerfed skill tree. It’s pointless to even have the skills tree like that. New car, no body kit, nerfed like crazy skills tree. Be glad for mediocrity.

Glad glad glad…


Max had mentioned this before. Its the issue with any car game. The amount of different preferences. There is nothing wrong with it and each to their own, but in the end there are sooooooo many options, a ton of different cars to choose from and alot of things behind the scenes. Its impossible to satisfy everyone. As everyone has their own preferences and their own sort of playstyle (lemme see if i can find his quotes on this stuff… it was extremely powerful)

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Support Tickets - Submitted Many and all were fine actually they were very helpful… Maybe depends on the type of ticket that is submitted (Most Recent Ticket Below… had my tune I tried to share flagged and turns out “the” was a flagged word and wouldnt let me share it and is being worked on)

Skill Tree- I am thankful they removed it. FH5 was already to easy to get credits and way to many abused it.

As for the Z with no body kit… its hard to tell what is in stock for it in the future. As of now I am just happy to have the car itself.

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But should they not try to satisfy the larger group of players instead of the 0,1 prosent?

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Took me quite alot of digging but I had found it Manufacturer Bias - Forza Horizon 5 / FH5 Discussion - Official Forza Community Forums He explains things much better and more thorough than I could lol

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I’ve been banging on about it from the start of FH4, because I simply don’t like it as a practice and the franchise or devs involved doesn’t matter to me, if it did Forza would be the last series I’d talk against.

FH5 not being able to hide behind a good map or the novelty/newness of the live service like FH4 could seems to have finally made more people take a proper look at it, the cars added every week are just a slice of a much bigger pie.

Done properly a live service game could be great, a full + competent game with plenty of depth in it’s original state that then has genuinely new + quality stuff added on top over a long period of time? Sounds brilliant.

For the big franchises it sadly almost never happens like that in reality though.


So you think there were more things outside of this “recycled” content. As tbh I kind of see it like a laugh. Sorta like how they are contagious and spread outwards. Just couldn’t figure out the source of this mess. As I genuinely don’t see it as that much of an issue. Though the Galant you made a good point. I don’t understand that at all it is kinda weird it is a traffic car though and wasnt in until as of recently.

I kinda understand where this sort of started now, but tbf things have been getting alot more stable at least on the console side of things. Ik I cant really say the same about pc users. Have a few people who have issues and a few who do not.

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Continued replies in honor of Anon, rest in peace dear friend.

@Oliver0023 glad you enjoy the mediocrity of game. But I refuse to carry that part of the discussion further into the argument zone.

As for the body kit for the new z. Here’s Rocket Bunny’s contribution to the eye candy store.