Night time is way to long

The new night time in horizon 5 is way to long. Every time the night starts i quit the game bc it makes no sense to drive in a dark jungle or desert and wait so long for light in this Game. I am not able to see my livery in the open world that i created or liveries of other players.
The extended night is just anoying in this game.

Agree, it takes away alot of the fun of playing the game, seems like it`s night time 85 % of the time when i leave the Festival sites or my houses now.
If someone wants night time, they can do special night time events in the event labs or something like that.

Agreed. Who would want to drive with everything around him just black? Why have scenery in the first place if it isn’t even visible? The always dark “street scene” races are already nuisance enough, at least you can skip those (most of the time, at least.)

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