Hey guys, I just recently picked up an Xbox one and want to get one of the new Forza’s, on the old console I liked both Forza Horizon and F4 but played f4 more because of multiplayer drift and multiplayer drag ( are these still options in the current gen version?). I liked FH’s style and open world-ness but hated that you couldn’t tune the car to the extent that was available in F4 ( is this still the case with FH2?) lastly, if I plan on doing mostly drifting and drag which game currently has the best community/ modes to do this? Thank you for reading all this and I appreciate any advice you have to offer.
As I don’t really do any drag or drift (especially the former) and never outside of rivals I can’t really say anything about that; other than having heard people talking about building drag cars and doing races, while playing online.
Haven’t actually tested but I don’t think a drift meter would work in Horizon 2, remember the game encourages off roading so there would be problems in judging when its “dirty” as in FM4. If you’ve played horizon 1 then you’d be familiar with the skill points for drifting (ultimate drifts and the like) those skills are retained for FH2,
But in saying this, I could be wrong cause I didn’t really go looking for the drift counter.
Didn’t do much drifting in FM5 so I’m not really sure there
Thanks all for the input, after reading here and reading about the upcoming expansion I think I’m going with Horizon 2. Will probably get it this weekend after I get paid.
Before you purchase, beware that the game has some serious bugs. Read the problem threads to inform yourself better. There are several, some of them a few pages back. Hopefully there will be fixes coming soon. But right now, the game is not in a great state.
Again as SCS said, not everyone has these problems. Apart from the rev hang which rarely happens (and T10 is aware of, I dont experience any freezing or texture problems. Its not “seriously buggy”. Perhaps you need to clear your cache or use the many other solutions posted in this forum.
The rev lag/hang is not massive in my game and does not affect performance. It also happens in The Crew but a little differently.
My game has never froze after buying a car.
I have never fallen out of the world.
My race result has never changed.
Streaming failure is more likely a twitch issue and I have never driven into untextured space.
I am not questioning whether the game is buggy for you but we need to be careful that we provide accurate information. Some are suffering bugs, no question but they are not bugs that affect every player.
I am convinced that the console has issues that contribute to some of these bugs. It has not recovered yet from the late change from always online to sometimes online and it does not clear memory when put in standby mode so memory leaks just build up until something goes wrong (happens in multiple games).
Accurate information? OK, let me be more accurate. For starters, I am a retired software engineer. The meat of my career involved real-time programming in C, C++ and 80x86 assembler. I am also well versed in 6502, the CPU powering the Apple 2 Plus and the Atari 800. That’s where I began my career. I carry my troubleshooting experience from programming into my gaming. I am well aware of everything that you said. As a result of some of our common observations, I have been powering down my XO fully between gaming sessions. Standby is a bad idea in general, and should only be used when needed. I have also performed the Restart Now function repeatedly. This is supposed to clear the cache and perform a full, cold reboot. I am fully cognizant of the hardware architecture of the XO, and the XOS and Windows 8 running as virtual machines on a hypervisor. I know how important it is to make sure nothing else is running in the background (like apps) and to start the day from a cold boot to minimize the downsides of all this virtualization.
Saying that bugs don’t happen to everyone is a long-standing excuse that I’m very familiar with, both from less caring colleagues and gamers alike. In my experience, the reality of a bug is irrespective of who experiences it. If even one person experiences it, and other factors can be eliminated, then it is real, and needs addressing ASAP. While I’m aware that system issues can play a significant part, once those are eliminated as a cause, then I must conclude the cause is in the game code itself. Online behavior, if not consistently fast or smooth, can provide a real stress test for the code, which can trigger bugs that would not be seen in an ideal environment. But such bugs are still in the code itself, and can only be fixed by the coders. My guess is that this is precisely why some people experience some horrible bugs, and some do not. Real-world conditions are much more variable than development-testing conditions. As a result, we, the gaming public, have become the de-facto beta testers of new games, since they can’t be fully tested reliably in-house. While I understand it, I don’t excuse it. They must complete the project all the way to a stable release candidate.
While I’m willing to wait for Playground Games and Turn 10 to knock heads together and solve these problems, I am not at all willing to dismiss them as flukes, or somehow not real because some people have not experienced them. They are big boys. They can take care of us, and of themselves.
Edit: Let me add a few more relevant details I thought of since I made the post earlier.
I have the DVR functionality completely turned off. It was causing hitching (momentary freezing) in the game.
Autoupdates are disabled. No background task should ever be triggered as a result of a new update, something that would be fairly frequent, since otherwise updates to everything in the system happen without the user’s knowledge or consent (even if those apps or games are not running at the time).
I have 5 other full-sized games, and about a half-dozen smaller games. I have no problems with any of them, other than known bugs (e.g., AC Unity’s). For example, AC 4: Black Flag, a favorite of mine, with a huge open world and significant online content, runs flawlessly. In conclusion, my system’s condition meets all specifications without fault.
Same here, no problems worth mentioning, it hung on me once while online, it has had some problems loading the disc when I’ve swapped but all I’ve done is eject and put it in again. (it’s however a bit weird that bugs only happen to some people…and they seem very serious too…)
Maybe you lot should make a thread where you put more info about everything on your consoles, to find a common thing, like; you all have a specific other game, you all use the same DL’d version w/o disc, you all have a day one edition and so on, as it doesn’t happen to everyone it’d seem as the problem is something other than H2 and if T10 can find that common thing they’re bound to be able to re-create the problem and fix it a lot faster.
Oh, yeah, after reading Satnite’s post a bit more carefully I might add that I always turn my console off as I did notice a bit of a drop in the framerate before and suspected that memory was the problem.
You totally miss the point. When advising someone about the game it is important to tell them whether bugs are widespread or experienced by a few people.
That is all.
Edit: apart from the rev hang, the other issues you list I have not seen anyone else post about.