Hey everyone! I’m new to designing and whatnot. I like mainly abstract designs, all using my Xplicit performance logo. So I just want to know where some of you get inspiration and ideas. As well as any tips you may have or constructive criticism. Thanks.
Hey there, you definitely have an eye for color schemes. They look nice. Keep at it!
One thing I would suggest as far as inspiration goes is to google image racing leagues and peruse the different liveries. For example, I will search “WEC 2015” and a lot of pics come up of this year’s World Endurance Championship cars.
Thanks! No yea I like different color combos. I like my liveries to stand out.
Some of the drift comp cars might suit your style better?
I really like the red/yellow colour scheme on the aston. Good choice of colours
i agree, you have a good eye for color combinations. Where you take it from there, kind of depends on what you want to achieve.
You can make an art kind of car with great color combinations or something original that makes people wonder if it is a replica or or an original. seeing the ford gt, you have some aditional manufacturer decals or sponsors, but where the explicit logo stands out, the other sponsors kind of blend in being white on a grey background… or small text on a busy background. It doesnt always work for me, but i often try to imagine that if i was that sponsor, would i be happy with the way my brand is visible on the car?
the other thing is indeed google or bing, the racecar you want to paint or just painted and compare a real life car with your game car. Could they be in the same rally group, or together in a drift battle, or touringcar race.
sorry if my story is too long, but i like what i see here
You have a great start here mate and what BlueReaper said is the best advice that one could ask for. I hope you stick around and I can’t wait to see more of your paints.