I’m new to Forza in general, but have spent about two weeks switching over from GT drifting. After getting great with a controller, i bought a TM TMX pro with the T3PA pedals. It was like starting all over! I’m slowly getting better, but was hoping to find someone that could help me in-game with tuning, using the wheel, and just showing me the ropes.
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from someone soon!
Good to see a new face around here! Feel free to add me for some drifty-drifts. While I personally use a controller there might be a few ways I can help.
GT: Cody Ghastface
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Sounds good! Any help with tuning/technique is appreciated. I got very decent with a controller, but as explained, I recently picked up a wheel and it’s like I’ve never been sideways before!
Alright go to your in-game settings turn off rumble then press x to go to advanced set all of your deadzones to inside 0 outside 100 turn the vibration to zero ffb I normally have on 55 you can do it just as easy on 100 I just find it smoother abit lower wheel rotation would be the hardest thing people say 270 is easy but it just feels wrong 540 is pretty good for most cars I’ve got a 240 that I can drift pretty well on 900 you just have to have to keep practicing what car do you use I can put up a tune details for a car or that 240
Hey buddy i know exactly how you feel iv been on forza for years and iv only just decided get the whole shibang for the race sim feel, im very well versed in tuning drift cars to a dime awd rwd v8 rotors and twin turbo rbs etc, with a controller i can always shred it in the lobbies but trust me i know exactly what your experiencing, - the violent snapbacks mid transfer, sudden loss of direction, or just spinning it for no good reason that physics can define as you angle up the corner to drop the hammer and let her rip, iv been on the wheel for a small while too, but i know forza and i know cars so send me a frend request, iv got a heap of things that may help, alot of it you probably dont even realise your doing wrong, i didnt either and after constantly embarrassing myself in public lobbies, through solo trial and error iv found alot of factors that can make it slide or F$&k your ride id love to get together abd practice
Ps my gamertag is floodtreader im from australia btw,