New Set of Bucket List Events Now Available

Yep. Look they are doable but most people seem to be finding one or two a little tough, at least as tough as the Lancia but for me the main issue was traffic rather than trees but I still have a few to do.

I’ve tried the first 4 so far, the hardest one by far is that Mustang at the docks. I haven’t beaten it yet, any tips?

Just like the Atom one, there is an open area to the west… towards the row of round tanks. You can drift like crazy there, and there are cones that count as “wreckage”

Drift between the jumps, that way you keep up the skill chain. Also get the perk that allows a skill multiplier of 6.

The Huayra was just short of impossible. Finally got it at try #30 something. Maybe #40 something. You can’t make ANY mistakes, and like SatNiteEduardo said, brake minimally. I’d really like to see a PG member do that. See if they really did hit 200mph in it, and if they did, what route. I got over 200mph in the McLaren P1 there, but I didn’t take that route.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to pick up a prescription of blood pressure pills I didn’t need before I attempted this challenge.

I don’t think the Huarya challenge was as hard as some are making it… you pretty much just go fast and take one turn correctly:

EDIT: I can’t help but wonder if those having trouble are using automatic transmission. There would be a shift right before the finish line if you do.

I did it with Manual. I don’t remember shifting right before the line, but I do think my RPM’s were getting very high. I think the real key is to have as much speed as possible through and exiting the left hander. I was only getting close to 200 (and then actually 200) when I was going by that method, rather than braking and following line/cutting through trees/etc.

I only did a few of the challenges last night, but it seems based off the posts here, the 370Z and Mustang will be the ones to make me refill my prescription. I did the Jeep, Jalpa, 4C, F-Type, Rally Fighter, and Huayra (maybe another I can’t remember), and the only one that took me more than one try or a few tries was the Huayra.

Have to admit, I’m struggling with the Chevy SS one. I keep coming up 3-6k short :confused:

I’m going to try this one next. SatNiteEduardo said in this thread that they are all doable. The article, and several others say they are pretty hard. I’ve done 4 so far and haven’t had much difficulty. The Pagani one I did about a half dozen times before leaving the beaten path and nailing it on my second or third try no thanks to trees, no so much difficulty.

The BMW turns on a dime and uses it’s power better than the Lotus but it accelerates much slower, but it was fairly easy. Again, thanks to traffic it took two tries, but Iran it in reverse.

The Maserati 300S was dubbed medium, but it was pretty straightforward and ridiculously easy. Just drive to the end of the dock and I had plenty of time left.

The Jalpa one was a one take drive as well.

I know I’ve only done 4 but I expected this to be more of a challenge. Here goes the SS

EDIT: 3 tries later, scraped by by the tips of my exhaust in the SS with 150,001 points. Yeah, this one was hard and the time limit is rather tight. I was really looking forward to driving the car in the game to see what it was like. I was excited for it to be out in real life, and at least in the game, it’s highly disappointing for me.

Yeah, I may have done the easy challenges first. They’re not impossible by any means, but they do require a bit of thought and a couple tries.

Update: DING

Got it, 178,000 & change, 1 unbroken combo. Doable indeed.

The 2015 Stang is tough, Huayra, M4, and Jag are a bit tricky. The rest were a breeze.

I cheated on this one. I can never keep up my combos on the off road courses like this, not as many jumps like the original golf course. So I just headed out back to the highway and did plenty of near misses, drifts, threading the needle, etc. Works fine. I find the bucket list more of a suggestion than an absolute guideline =D

As for the Sisteron Switchback (#9), shame on you Playground. That one sucked hard the first go round with the Lotus, and now you are making us do it again? We have all these roads and interesting things we could do and you are already recycling stuff? sadface

In any case, I am still convinced the game glitched and gave me that one out of pity because I don’t think I hit the average. Still struggling to get it with the M4. I have tried uphill, downhill and just can’t keep the speeds up. I am brute forcing the thing - hit the entries at top speed (80-90) and try to maintain as much as possible around the corner. The speedo usually drops to about 60 and then starts counting back up, but its that next turn that kills me everytime. I get within 1-2 mph of the average, but I cannot consistently do it. It seems like in both cases they have given us horrible cars to work with. Drifty, worthless handling, and sluggish acceleration. Takes all the fun out of the game =(

Yes, I am butthurt.

Genius, wish I tried that lol

I tore up the start area, chain-drifted to the golf course entrance, and alternated between eating fence and drifts/burnouts on the road.

I had a hard time keeping one continuous chain in this car so I too resorted to mediocre drifts and lots of fence wreckage.

I’ve finished 10/15 now and will try the rest later tonight. Someone asked about the Mustang - how many points must you get? The Mustang is a much easier car to drift and slide around than the SS, and the docks are a pretty neat place. I don’t imagine it being too much of a pain to do the mustang challenge. To note, if you’re having a hard time with the Mustang try leaving the docks and heading to he intersection near the entrance - there is a large swath of grass there you can use with no obstacles in it.

The Stang challenge is tough, but not compared to the Chevy. Way easier to rack up points at the docks.

Of course it’s easier. It’s in a car much better suited for skills rather than serious racing.

It said 150K on my screen; just continuous drift through the cones, doing ramps onto the containers and drift back to the cones. Think I finished early with around 175K when the chain was added.

I am hating the 370z one…

Oh they are definitely doable. I did all 15 on my lunch break… yeah, they’re doable.

The M4 challenge as someone mentioned earlier is much easier to do if you go through the speed zone backwards rather then what the GPS/green line tells you as you are going downhill as opposed to uphill, thus giving you a bit of a speed boost through it. The Hyuara challenge works if you try PPIDrive’s method and cut through the trees to the road that directly runs through the speed trap (something I did before I even saw his post here), though it may take a few tries: you have to find the right place to enter that road, if come in early trying to build a long run to the trap, you may run out of time before you get there - however if you come in “too late”, you may not have enough speed to hit 200 mph. If you do choose to go through the trees, I find the final little curve before the trap can be trickier to negotiate then as opposed to if you try the suggested route.

The traffic in the Bucket List events IMO ruins any form of uniformity to try and compare to other people because the conditions may always be different for everyone else, someone may luck out and have a clear road to their destination or another person may have a car in the middle of their driving line during a curve thus slowing them down or causing them to crash (as happened to me a few of the times while I tried the M4 challenge).

I Can’t for the life of me beat that Mustang, of course nobody talks about it here. Is there a sure-fire way to win it or do I have to keep on grinding and raging until I beat it?