Hardcore Bucket List (Storm Island) - WOAH!

Okay so I thought the original bucket list challenges were easy, so PG stepped it up 10 gears and decided to put us through torture with these new ones. I’m getting so mad, done the first panel, but now I’m stuck on the second panel. Has anyone completed these yet, can this God-like person help me out?! Lol. Trying to record them as I go for my YouTube channel too, it’s not going too well haha!

Loving Storm Island and the new cars/upgrades btw, everything about it is sweet. Great job T10 and Playground Games!

I completed them all. The easiest for me in the second bracket was the Corvette, that wasn’t too hard; the car slid enough on its own to get me the drifts I needed. Took me maybe three tries.
The Range Rover was BY FAR the hardest one (for me). All I can say for that one is don’t follow the path they give you. You won’t make it in time. It’s really just bounding through the trees like a loon until you get it. Also the little shrubs on the ground count as damage for each one you hit, so keep that in mind. This one took me an uncountable number of tries.
The Mini wasn’t easy either. That was another “avoid the given path” one and go through trees. This has to be a PERFECT run though. If you hit a tree, you’re pretty much done.
The Audi quattro wasn’t too bad. Took me more tries than the Vette, but not as many as the other two. It’s keeping your speed up, braking minimally, and avoiding hitting anything and scraping against trees, barriers, etc. When I beat it, my speed for the first speed zone was 76mph and the second was 86mph. You can try to aim for those two as a benchmark, as they will be combined to 162, when you only need 160.

Unfortunately, these challenges are better shown to you how to do it over reading how someone did it, or someone’s tips, but if you keep trying and make your own path/plan, you’ll get them eventually.

Tips in general: Don’t give up, don’t chuck your controller, use manual transmission (automatic may make the challenges even tougher, though I don’t actually know [and certainly don’t want to try again]).

Lol!! I’ve done the Quattro and Corvette first time, it’s the Mini and the Range Rover that are killing me, it seems so impossible. I use manual with all assists off anyway, I know how using automatic off-road can keep you in the wrong gear for too long and you lose valuable speed… I’ve tried these 2 about 20 times each now, aghh my god haha, my capture card is about to commit suicide! Just waiting and hoping for that one perfect run, guaranteed I’ll probably forget to press record when I do that one flawless run. I’m dreading having to do them all again in co-op too, that’s going to be even worse.

Thanks for this, at least I know now it isn’t impossible, even though it feels like it.

I haven’t done these in single player yet but beat all of them in co-op last night. The only one that gave us trouble was the Mini challenge; that one took about half a dozen retries before we got the route down. The Land Rover one is a joke and I’m not sure why they included it in the “hardcore” challenges. Just beeline it through the trees and then merge with the closest dirt road, head east until you reach the paved road that takes you north and then west to the finish. We had 1:33 left on the timer on the first try.

The new challenges are a lot of fun in co-op but none of them come close to the Delta S4 event in terms of difficulty.

If you need help with any of them drop me a line.

Just done them all, Perfect Run was without question the hardest.

I ended up going uphill through the trees cleanly, on to the main road and following it round, to a point where you can go left off road and head straight for the finish. Should be no need to worry about damage as its just shrubbery. You should hit the main road with about 1:12 remaining.

Quattro was pretty simple. Just keep it fast and clean, follow the natural racing line. If you need it turn the line assist on just for car placement, not as a braking guide. First zone was 78, second zone 83.

Corvette was easy, just drift as much as possible, remember awesome and ultimate drifts add on another point.

Mini took a few tries. My route was to head straight from the start, over the hill. Go left of the first forest of trees, left of the second forest, then for third forest, there is a quite obvious gap in the trees dead ahead, go through that, then follow the off-road path to the main road, then the green line on the map to the finish.

Hope this helps some people out. If you need some help with how to do them, add me on One and message me. I’m on UK night time.

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Thanks for your mini advice. I was trying various routes but never tried a left, left route. Not sure why lol.

The fact the shrubs damage your SUV in Perfect Run seems to make it near impossible as there seems to be so few areas that don’t have them in a dense concentration. So far, the Mini one is the only one I have successfully completed, I seem to end up spinning out in the 'Vette a lot.


It took me as many tries in that mini as it did in the Rover.
The Corvette was first try, the Audi was two.
I wouldn’t wish these unnecessarily draining challenges upon anyone.

Haha, I second that!^ Good job for completing them…

The only one I’ve tried to do so far was the Rally Fighter and I have at best finished with about 70 signs smashed. I feel like I must be missing something important that would allow me to finish it.

You only need two things, really.

  1. Smooth-as-glass steering inputs. Get that bugger sideways and you’ll NEVER get it back without slowing waaay down, thus wasting precious time.

  2. Good throttle control. I beat this challenge first try, never opening the throttle fully. 80% or so at most, it’ll help with tip #1 too.

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Can’t even find how to make a great drift with Corvette…it’s so slippy…i’m stuck with it for a while now (3-4 hours) it’s my last one…any advice (settings ,…?)

Use less throttle than you think you need, and let the speed and weight of the car do most of the work. Don’t fight the car to turn, just subtly nudge it in a certain direction. I busted out ten drifts as fast as I could, then booked it to the finish.

Try and copy this lol

I won’t try to explain the Corvette one as I struggled a little with that…if only it counted 360s lol.

For the rest they are actually quite easy when you know the route to take.

If in doubt youtube DJKUSTOMS and which challenge you are trying.

I stay away from the Bucket list, I become completely insane if I try and fail :slight_smile:

Corvette challenge is done…(and is definitely the hardest one…10 great drift with timer and such a low distance)
It took me 4 hours + to finish this one (2/3 tries for other ones) but it’s done.
I was so afraid to slip and fail that i’ve retried a lot…
Quattro was the easiest…
For DJKUSTOMS, i’ve used his video for the ALL4 X-Raid…I’ve seen his try with the Corvette…
This guy did a great work but again and again, we have to “sense” his assists (different from a challenge to another when we look closely at the xp bonus) to do the same…

Thanks anyway guys…

I am quite disappointed with the co-op bucket list.

Its the same events just with about triple the time to do them in lol.

I know they would not want to make it frustrating for co-op but still.

At least I tried hard to make it harder lol - I found all the trees I could.

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I only got the Mini All4 one done. I’m repeatedly attempting the others.

I just completed them. Well done, Turn 10. The perfect run took quite a bit of time to figure out a good route. It was really painful when I was 47 yards short of making it. I was then 53 yards short, 51 yards short, then I finally made it. These were among the best bucket list events in the game. They alone made the cost of the expansion worth it.