New range of BTCC replica liveries available

I am currently in the process of replicating BTCC liveries from honda Yuasa to KX MG (don’t know what car would suit that livery as mg6 is unavailable) all liveries will be available to download and for you to rate! Current cars completed
. Rob Austin racing Audi S4
. AON ford focus ST (2013)

Currently working on pirtek honda and trying to completed Yuasa honda. Download and share people a

Also, if you have a certain number which takes your fancy, add me on XBL and I’ll share a special livery with your number on it :slight_smile:

This needs to be in the paint thread mate, and TBF unless you post some pictures no ones going to bother looking for your stuff.

Yeah, I’m sure that you have some good stuff but lets see the pics!

Scion for MG6

Pics please mate :slight_smile: