While i understand that some might want to have an info screenn while pitting, i do not understand the following.
A screen like that should be optional! Because this screen blocks the view completly. And that is seriously uncool.
A next gen race sim should have, animated pitcrews. Why does the crappy GT6 have one, but all we get, is our screen blocked, with rather useless info, instead?
Ican see (and hear) it when i get overtaken, with the old HUD just fine, thank you very much!
Kind of a shame that someone spent all that time and effort rendering all the pit scenes and then to later cover it almost completely so you can’t even see it. I don’t really need to see a “pit crew” especially if it eats resources but it would be nice if they didn’t throw a tarp over the windshield for no apparent reason other than the guy that was tasked with that programming probably didn’t think it all the way through. I’m sure he’s proud of his screen though!!
Not to mention on pit exit its like being walked into a room with your eyes closed for a surprise party… SURPRISE here is that race you were in 45 seconds ago… go get em tiger! What? Where am i? Woah holy cow theres a car right there about to hit me!
I think we should have control of our car in the pits. Shoot, I would floor it into the pits and powerslide into my pit just for the heck of it and be like guys I need new tires lol. I think that would be awesome.
Or at least give more opacity so you can see thru it, it looks like they did but clearly not enough, or drop screen as soon as the car starts rolling instead of waiting till you take back over.
The new graphic takes way to long to dissappear while you’re exiting the pit lane. There have been several instances where I have hit a wall exiting due to the time it remains on the screen. I would ask that T10 fix that at least.
Jesus, it’s like you guys can always find something to complain about. Like D said, what are you losing? You have no control of your car, there’s nothing special about it stopping for several seconds then leaving the pits. It atleast gives me something to look at while I wait.
On the contrary there’s always some people who will just roll over and accept whatever is given to them, sorry but not all of us are like that. That pit lane infoscreen is annoying and kind of pointless, I would rather look anywhere on the hud to get the info I need while also having the freedom to free look around instead of getting most of the screen blocked. It seems like it’s just there to hide the fact that theirs no animated pit crews. I don’t see the big deal in having something like this optional.
I like the new pit screen. I saw it for the first time doing one of the single player endurance races and it was great to see the 2nd place car closing while I was in the pit. I loved watching the cars closing as my car was auto exiting the pit and wondering if I was going to beat them out. This is a very welcome update in my opinion. Before you just watched your car drive in and stop and just sit there before slowly driving out - Lame! The lack of animated pit crews totally breaks any immersion but at least now you don’t have to see your car park and listen to pit sound effects.
The hole pit thing is a bit lame to say the least. No pit crew. No control over your car. No option to put more or less fuel no option for a softer tyre or harder tyre. That being said I think the new feature is a step towards all of the above and I agree not being able to see through it is very distracting. I’m just glad there trying to implement new features at such a late stage in the game. Although there efforts are poorly directed as there are loads of things that could of been improved or implemented. For instance
Best lap to be displayed in the hud and not dissappear within 5 seconds
I don’t know if I can speak for everyone but I’m sure this goes for most competitive series racers:
This has to be optional because none of us want it. The time it takes to pit coming up on a screen which blocks all view? Useless, no thanks. We want to be able to physically see the track, see what’s coming up as we’re exciting and watch the minimap. Instead, we get some horrible graph of where people are which tells us basically nothing and is way worse than the minimap along with being blind on exit of pits which can easily cause accidents which ruin races for multiple people.
It was a bit of a surprise to see the block but I found new information amusing. I’d prefer to see the car and the pit lane even though I can’t do anything but watch. It feel claustrophobic to have the view obstructed.
I would like to see a pit sequence like the one in the Days of Thunder NES game!! Or the option to just have it done automatically for you but, it would be slower like using the AT option in the game. But, it is one of those risk vs reward type things.
You can the pit stop sequence on YouTube but, I haven’t found one person that could do it right. They wait until the guys is done and then go to the next crew member (amateur’s). You start the guy doing the jack then switch to the tires, gas man, & repairs. Then head back out. It could make for another layer of strategy by either only taking 2 tires, fuel only, or repairs only. The more fuel the car needs the more ti e it takes to fill it up. Same with damage. If you don’t want to deal with doing it yourself just set it to auto-pit & then you can choose what you want done. But, it will take longer than a well executed stop.
Likely we will not see too much changes in this game I would think. But, it would be great for the future! I know wish list Territory.