For me I’ve played this game long enough and most race cars have all the info I need right in front of me. What is your opinion on this matter? If you have one that is.
What are you looking for in a HUD? The game gives you the basic information (speed/tac/gear, etc.) and you have the option of turning on the telemetry for more advanced data. If you mean HUD like a jet fighter display on the windshield, then I don’t think they would add that.
I like having the distance meter there. Helps to judge where cars are around me. I rarely ever look at anything else anyway.
Sorry, the only time I use a hud is when I’m drifting in rivals. Besides that it’s a blank screen. I dropped the arcade screen a long time ago.
If you did as much organized league racing as I do, you might have a different opinion…
I created an R2 lobby and set it up with collisions off for the longest time. So I’m not sure how well I would do in traffic and just recently had some issues with draft. I was behind someone and didn’t back off in time assuming that I could take the turn without braking witch is normal, collisions off. I was to hot for the turn and was in the dirt. League racing sounds great but I race nothing but R2.
Exactly! The distance meter is an invaluable tool when racing in close proximity with others. I never look at the tach or the speedo, totally irrelevant information when I’m racing.
I understand having a favorite class and even car, but if you limit yourself to that I feel your missing out on a lot of what the game has to offer. There are just so many great cars to build and race. We did an F class series at EZT that had some of the closest, most intense racing you’ve ever seen. Don’t underestimate the lower classes. It’s actually harder to win than you might think. One mistake and your effectively out of contention as there’s virtually no chance you will be able to catch up.
i was doing doing r2 racing the other week with another team just so i had something to do, we locked it to cockpit view and full damage with all assist turned off, was alot of fun, if you’r ever locked in a view you can’t see who is next to you then move your right stick quickly to see who is next to you, if you have collisions off it makes it alot more easyer to race as you dont need to check who is doing what and where, if you do get stuck in draft it will also affect the person in front of you aswell best bet is to back off a little and wait till he has moved out the way.
Sure, but turns come so quick on the ring and in traffic you don’t have much time to look around. Even on a straight people have a tendency to screw up a pass.
I like the enhanced tension and potential danger from having collisions on. It forces you to be much more aware of your surroundings. Of course you sometimes have that one clown who is trying to crash you off the track… Having the HUD on or off I think is a personal preference. If you like it on, that’s cool. If you prefer it off so that the game feels more realistic, then that’s your choice as well. It is your game experience after all.
For me I am very simple when it comes to my HUD, I only have my gear and tachometer, and what place I’m in the top right corner. That’s pretty much it. Although, a speedometer and tachometer setup would be pretty cool, or maybe a speedo and tach that is exact to the car you are driving. That would give a serious real live animation.
I like the cockpit view for non-competitive driving, but I believe some cars don’t have working tacs, which would necessitate the use of a HUD.
You don’t need a tach, just go by the engine sound. I don’t have a tach on my motorcycle and have never missed it! Even the speedo isn’t really necessary, I rarely ever look at it while racing. It’s all about the feel when your on the track!
I didn’t know you could take the HUD down. LOL. I do look at the tach occasionally, but also just listen to the engine. I also like the speedo as some corners I have figured out how fast I should be taking them. Like the 2nd and 3rd corners at sunset are 60 mph corners, or there abouts. Last corner on Road America I like to be somewhere around 70 or just under. That corner is so strange for me. Etc etc. I do drive cars without a tack quite a bit. The 66 and 69 Nova. So… Yeah, I like the HUD. You can customize it though?
I do all cockpit racing. I like the feel of being in the car. But there are certain cars that have terrible views of the road. Sometimes the roll bars don’t help. You get a little sliver through the windshield. LOL.
I go by sound when I can, but sometimes the wife complains about the TV volume, and I have to turn it down, and am not able to hear it… Cockpit racing is great in single player, and especially when cruising the streets on Horizon, but within multiplayer games, I find it easier to use third person views.
I’m the guy who checks his telemetry on the straights… While passing people… Dangerous? Maybe, but oh well XD