new forums

I can never tell who’s replied to what.As there’s always a loading wheel going round and around. Using samsung s4 what settings should I change. Any help would be much appreciated thanks

what browser are you using? i use the galaxy s4 with chrome it can take a few seconds to load but it works

Thank you for your help spot on. Would of thanked you sooner but couldn’t post. Hadn’t signed in. Its hard being me sometimes.

I have noticed the small script, no-background “My Topics” and the all capital script, dark grey background “ACTIVE TOPICS” point to the same URL:

Is anyone else having this issue? I would like to see the real “My Topics” to keep track of them.

scroll down the page the top halfs active topics and the bottom halfs my topics.

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Thanks for the help.

I notice no topics from before the forum change were kept. That’s rough.

S3 using the dolphin browser (on desktop mode if that matters). Loads as fast as any other page…