what what waaaah?

this new forums are really weird…

Whose with me!!!

and I was at A class race poster now back to racing perment so what gives?


It’s different, but in a good way. I like it. I love the darker aspect to it especially. Too many light colors affect my eyes in a bad way.

I had no idea the forum was being updated. It looks nice. My only issue is that iv lost my inbox. All my messages are gone. Was waiting on an important reply. Doesnt look like im going to get it now.

My inbox seems to be working okay. No old messages but new ones are coming and going okay

Woah RitzyBiscuit…are you seeing your “Forza Total” and “Driving Since” as 0’s and Tier 1? Everyone elses in the thread is working, just yours is showing up as 0’s…
@MAdurks…everything was left on the old forums, so your PM’s from the old FM.net won’t show up on the new FM.net. Sorry.

My Inbox is working fine, Iv lost my messages from before the update thats all. Did a bit of browsing, turns out not a lot was brought over from the old forums but the old forums are still available for viewing excluding the ability to post.

Heres the link if anyone needs it:


Thanks for the link back to the old forum. My posts were 1,383 there and 943 here? Also the Tier and Years playing Forza come and go daily. Probably will readjust and stabilize in the near future, I hope?

Your posts in off topic and classic forza dont go to post count, on legacy.fm.net it says your count is 936.

lol When I rechecked legacy it still shows my posts as 1,383…not 936. I didn’t see a breakdown of off topic posts or classic forza. Basically I was just trying to figure out the mechanics of this forum. Today, I’m back to Tier 1 and 0,0. I’m beginning to think that I’m wasting my time with Forza…Might be time to say Good Bye and see you at FM6.

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I’m liking the new forums, its nice and clean.

well I can see mine and it looks fine but the rank is reset, I did have A class racing rank

and now looking all of my post I had are now gone

and they did remove the old forums now : http://forums.forza.net/forums

Look at MAdurk’s last post in this thread, it has a link to the old FM.net.

I’m getting errors thrown at me trying to read parts of the new forum, esp FM5 right now…

" There has been a serious error loading the forum. No further information is available.

Please contact the administrator if this message persists.

Note: If you are the administrator, and need help with this problem, please visit this url: Turn off CustomErrors in your web.config.
Try Again"

This is happening on different browsers (IE, Firefox) as well as different machines (PC, phone), so I don’t think it’s a local problem for me… :frowning:

I too have seen this error a few times already.

As have I but it was only to one link (to what i know of) on two different devices.

I am having the same problem . I can get into the forza 5 tuning and other forums, just not the forza 5 discussion forum.

This looks like a good thread to do a test posting …