New Barn Find - Rockstar Energy Car Pack [SPOILER]

Volvo 1800E

Pic please?

Took me by surprise. Neat looking thing :slight_smile:

I was thinking when l went to freeroam “maybe there could be a barn find”. And there it was right next to me too!

Loving this trend of a barn find per update. Only way it could be better would be more of them! Hint hint

You can’t get this one from the DLC “All Cars” like you could for the International Scout in the BM expansion…

Seeing as the BM Barn find still hasn’t popped I’m not expecting this one to either…

Fortunately a few already for sale in the AH so bought one for the 468/468 On Promo…

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Well that was an accurate post title


Am I the only one who noticed the bullet holes all down the side of it in the cut scene?

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Reference to The Saint perhaps.

So the Volvo P1800 is the barn find. Neat car. A friend of mine owned one back in the day. Not terribly fast but handled great.

I was surprised that they added a new car to the series for free. I guess it is their way of saying thanks for supporting the series last year.

I’m a bit confused, do you need to buy the car pack in order to unlock this, or is free as part of an update?

I would assume the barnfind is free.

I played for a few hours and the rumor never popped for me??? I never got the Blizzard Mtn Barn find to pop either but I figured that is because I bought one before it had a chance.

I hope this pops for me and that my barn finds aren’t permanently glitched.

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Same here…

Drove around all the different festival sites in a whole range of different “new” vehicles, did some online free roam not a whisper… Guessing the whole things messed up after not getting the BM barn find to pop either… :frowning:

It’s free; I have literally no DLC for the game and I own two right now (I like to get duplicates of the barns so I can drive em stock or tuned)

I thought I was the only one in the Forza universe that did this! I also one two of every barn find, and somehow ended up with and extra Sunbeam that nobody seems to want…

Do I have to stay on the main map after finding it, to get it delivered, or would it be delivered to me if I go over to Blizzard Mountain?

Does it appear on the regular map, or just the BM map?

I would assume it’s just the regular map, as it’s a barn find for everyone?

Correct. it is on the regular map.