February Barn Find?

Anyone know what the new barn find is yet?

[Mod Edit - there is no Barn Find on the console version. Don’t believe (or repeat) rumors of a Barn Find on the PC version unless there is visual evidence. - MM]

Are we even getting a new barn find?

I have wracked my brain but I cannot remember if we get a new barn find with every car pack release. I am just not sure.

We should be getting a new barn find.

I think we’ve had one with all of them bar the first one.

Even if someone did, why would they want to spoil the surprise for those who don’t know? I suggest you wait an hour or so and check for yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you’re so bothered about spoilers, why are you even in this thread?


Not sure that “bothered” is the right term to use. One reason I’m here is to perhaps point out that spoiilers could ruin some of the fun for some. This isn’t obvious to everyone. Some just want to be the first to reveal something without further consideration.


Nobody knows since the update hasn’t dropped yet.

And we have always gotten a barnfind so far , so why would you have a reason to think we wouldn’t?

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Big FAIL there. Lol.

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Aha plot twist : xbox users didn’t get the full update!

No one knows yet, the update hasn’t even been released yet! I’ll definitely be avoiding this thread because I don’t want it spoiled!

In this day and age, if you don’t want something spoiled, you should probably stay off the internet all together.


Even “in this day and age”, most people who can’t fight the urge to reveal spoilers give some sort of heads up that a post contains spoilers. If this thread survives moderation, I suggest the OP to add “contains spoiler” once someone does reveal it. IF someone indeed does so.



As long as somebody lets slip what it is so I know what to look for in the AH…

I haven’t had a barn find since the release of BM… So have to buy them all in the AH…

It’s if/when they get named in the thread title that causes real problems as it’s pretty much impossible to avoid them then…

Those in the “know” will know how to find out what it is as soon as the Update is installed… :wink: :slight_smile:

Really hoping it’s the volvo 242… lol

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i have to buy the car pack for the barn find?

Time to pack your bags guys, no barn find this pack.

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