Need friends that like to do Rivals.

Hey all,

I’ve been really into rivals latley and would like to find some friends to go back and forth with trying to beat times. I’ve mostly been trying to build tunes for each class, but I think I’ve got some good ones as a start. Currently don’t have a lot of times down as of yet but having some friends to beat would be fun and motivate me some. Send me a message or just add me!

Add me if you like

Agera RSR

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Add me if you want ?


You can add me I don’t get a lot of time to play, but I do enjoy Rivals. I never play online thou.

I should add that I mostly do lower class up to A class , sometimes S. I guess if there are others
out there that prefer lower class rivals they can add me as well.

I’m yet to start A class rivals, I have a look at them soon

I just started rivals so I’m not to far into it, I don’t get on as much as I would like so it’s slow going. I don’t even have all my festivals maxed out yet.

add me


Im ranked in top 50 of global on some races.

Feel free to add me and you’ll have yourself some competition in the S2 class. Currently #6 on Goliath in a One:1.