Hey guys, so I’m just looking for ppl that have a love for nurburgring. I spent about 80% of my time on forza racing in rivals. And an other 80% of that time on nurburgring. Most of my current xbl friends don’t share my love for the track. I’m looking for ppl to add to my friends list that want to set record times on nurburgring in all classes “A” and under. All tracks as well. Currently no one on my friends list is beating me in rivals for those tracks. (All three tracks, all three invironments.) I’m an average racer, do my own tunes, and just want some ppl to compete with on that track. If you’re interested, go ahead and add me to XBL! See you on the track!
I only really drive one car on there the ae86 we use nordschliefe as a touge course for us as well as rio
I used to be pretty much the same, probably from Forza 2 to Forza 4.
These days I don’t run Nurburgring too much (probably GP more than other ribbons) but happy to have another rival for A class and lower as that’s where I do most of my driving.
I normally don’t build or tune much but that seems to be changing.
Will add you next time I am on.
gt: igottem2slime. ill add u next time im on. i race mostly bclass on nurb and a little aclass.
Last night I got third in the Americas on nordshecleif + GP in “E” class. I dunno how competitive I’ll be in “A” class. I don’t currently have any cars tuned for that class. But I’ll get there if I have some friends with “A” class lap times on nurburgring.
As for other tracks, I’m game. The big goal for me is to have rivals! And nurburgring is my love. Online racing has become more or less annoying. And basically pointless unless your in a private room. And career mode is only fun until you get up to “S” class. Rivals is the playground of choice for me.
10 second gap between me and 2nd place. (Americas)
I know “E” class is boring. But, if you think your good enough to beat me, prove it!!! Lol.
Gamertag mitch wolf
I drive an ae86 and race b class on nurburgring :3
I do enjoy a bit of the ring but not had that much of a go on it yet.
I have a 7.57.998 in the C class BMW M3 E30 Position 37 worldwide. For S class I have a 7.05.546 in the Exige S getting me a 365 worldwide, not the best car on this track so I think I can improve it. I have another S class on the Nurburgring GP too which is a 8.49.078 in the McLaren 12C getting me 137 worldwide…
Not done an A class on the ring yet but may get round to that at some point soon.
I’m always at the Nurburgring in b class and lower.
If someone is hosting a race let me know.