Need a pop-up to confirm exit when viewing replays

I’ve been viewing a fair number of replays posted by other players recently. The interface is clunky to navigate, and i can not tell you how many times i have accidentally hit B one too many times, and it just spits me back out of the replay with no warning whatsoever.

This is especially frustrating when I’m looking at specific parts of a race, trying to determine what’s happened and all of a sudden I find myself back out at the main search menu. To then have to enter the search parameters again, load the replay back up, and then try to figure out how far along in the replay i was before i got kicked out (because there’s no lap counter or any kind of race position indicator…go here to vote for that), it’s an exercise in frustration.

Short of giving the replay system the complete overhaul that it so desperately needs…can we at least please, PLEASE get a pop-up confirmation window asking “Exit Replay?” so at least we’ve got a chance to catch it before we back out by accident?

We also need things like the ability to turn gamertags on/off during the replay, and especially the ability to export.


Well, for exporting we can always just either capture through the console or run whatever capture software on PC. But yes, gamertags on/off would be nice as well.

It’s just an unnecessary extra step though. I shouldn’t have to record it and be my own director. Just let me export the whole replay file. There’s bigger fish to fry, but one day, it would be nice.

Imagine how good it would be if there was a direct report feature instead of having to use capture software of which I don’t. like to keep my gaming system bare-bones.

It would clean up the racing quickly if suspensions were handed out like they do with FH5

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This feature was added with replay and Spectate updates.
This topic reached 16 votes.

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