Reporting players - Great Job

Hey community,

with this post I want to thank the Forza Support for there great job…

In an online race I got rammed from an aggressive driver, happens not that often, but this one was someone special, so I thought I use the option to report him…

At this point the story become interesting:

The Game gave me the option to report a player after the race in the driver list with a QR-Code, which took me like 5-10 minutes to create a ticket to say in the last step of creation, that I need a replay.

A replay that I can’t get because the racetimer ended the race after 2 min and I have no option to save the replay retrospectively or the better point…

A: I can’t save a replay because the game crashes, when I save it
B: I only can save the first 11 min of an 30 min Race
C: Upload a video from the game to the Xbox network and later to the ticket portal will cost me extra 10 min

I really like the way Forza support honest players.

Best regards and let’s hope that no one will use this fact to be an aggressive driver…


I get that you’re upset but this isn’t the most constructive post. You’re basically just venting. Unsporting players are, unfortunately, a pervasive problem online. I’d imagine it’s rare to find a game that doesn’t have at least some players trying to make everyone else miserable.

Honestly, you should have expected that you’d need evidence of the player’s bad behavior. Our word isn’t good enough. I could easily report you for ramming me even if you didn’t, and without evidence it’s just my word versus yours.

The saved replays do have room for improvement. They need to be more reliable, for starters. For online races maybe they should save automatically without needing you to tell it to save. Granted, those would pile up quickly, so maybe the game could just save two or three and when saving a new one automatically delete the oldest auto-saved replay.

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Yet they see no issue with the penalty system and demand replays to prove it otherwise. I think they know exactly what they’re doing. I bet less than 1% of egregious penalties are actually reported, because of the way that they are handled, unfortunate.


The point is that it’s very time-consuming to try and report a rammer. I’d go as far as to say it’s deliberately designed to put people off doing so. It could obviously be done in a more straightforward way.


I play on Steam/PC, and I’m so glad Steam recently added its own optional automatic background game video recording feature.
I’m not a “content creator,” and I don’t want to fuss with setting up some other background recording/editing software, so I’m glad it’s now built-in to the Steam client (and it’s user-friendly).
I’ve made much use of it. :+1:

It would make more sense if when you click the “complain about a player” button, the game itself would save a replay of that race and attach it to the post. The player would have to specify at most on which lap the incident occurred. That’s it.

But no, the player has to come up with a system of recording gameplay, find a place to place this material, then go looking for a site tech support, etc., etc., etc., etc.

This game in no aspect cares about being user friendly and functional in what is required of it.


At least it becomes a happy end…

I achieved the “editor” badge in the forum for creating that post so all my dreams come true and I can sleep like baby


Hi IceMan,

you are right, but it isn’t about the rammer. I hope the fact that I play the game for over a year an this is my first try to report a player shows you that I am not interested in such things.

It is the fact that the game makes it that difficult to report someone / something.

I play Forza since Forza Motorsport 2 and everyone can agree that ramming is in the Forza-DNA since Day 1, online and offline.

But if you want to report a cheater or any other things like bullies, it ist the same hard way to tell.

And I think you will agree that it shouldn’t be that hard.

Best regards


players should be forced to pass a clean driving test to play online.


I just bind the replay button to one of my xbox elite series paddles. You should try it.

Maybe a bit off topic, but recently a thought struck me that this type of behavior probably should be considered harassment and reviewed on the Xbox/Microsoft level and not game support level. Xbox is pretty strict with bAd WoRdS, so why not this? It’s much more harmful than the silly sh talk after all.

Surely, with a risk of someone’s Xbox account getting banned, there would have to be a 100% solid proof not ripped out of context, like a mandatory full race replay. But then it would at least be worth it to bother with saving a replay, as opposed to what’s happening (or, likely, not) now.

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Don’t waste your time…

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I reported someone in the early days, he was just deliberately ramming all and sundry. Saved a bunch of clips of him ramming me and others, did the massively long winded and time consuming reporting process with attached videos. Next day or whenever got a message back saying I needed to attach vids as evidence. AAAARRRGGHHHHH!!! I fluffing DID!!! Absolute joke. Never encountered anyone like that since but if I did I wouldn’t waste my time reporting it. Not that I play this game anymore anyway, I just pop in every now and then to see if t10 have pulled their head out their whatsit and given us what a hell of a lot of people want (a multiplayer mode like the open hoppers on fm7).


Same I saved the video in game. Told them how to get it and they did nothing. Too lazy to look for the video. This was years ago I had no way of getting it to them. Waste of time. Doesn’t matter people have multiple profiles. Especially professional rammers. It only blocks the account you report from playing. Subs can still play. They say you can’t now but I don’t believe that.

Reporting system is just bad in this game… I tried reporting someone only once, saw this QR code and trought, why would I waste my time on this…

We rly need IN GAME report system, like for eg.

After race, (or during race) u press on player name (using in game menu) and just “report player”, all collisions are flagged by system anyway, so it would not take long to verify it…

But on other side, we all know why it’s this way… Proper report system = more reports = needs more manpower = cost more money.

They just made reporting as complicated as possible, to save up money


I had a beauty of a griefer during the summer. The guy announced that I would be his victim in so many words or less. Cutting to the end of the story that guy used the penalty system to pin a 4.5 second penalty on me, and then left the game.

The reporting process is so convoluted, that I eventually just dropped even trying. I had a replay but I didn’t have a recording of game chat. If I had that, I would have been more aggressive in reporting, but what I had, would have amounted to nothing more than an accusation of intentional ramming…

So he won that one.

Reporting should work like this…

Post race menu.

  1. Report player.

  2. Select player Gamer Tag to be reported (List of all players in the race is presented).

  3. Brief description of grievence (one word descriptions allowed. Eg. “ramming” would work).

  4. Submit this race (race replay automatically saved on the cloud).

  5. Move on to next race/event (end of reporting process).

This way the player doesn’t have to jump through QR tagged flaming hoops, and doing what looks like back end QR work just to report a guy for griefing. But, Forza wasn’t built to do this so, I don’t see the reporting process ever being streamlined.

Also a quicker and more efficient form of reporting, would stop the activities from happening. I wonder how something like this doesn’t get factored into modern multiplayer games? It ain’t like griefing doesn’t happen. If they want to end it, then give everyone convenient tools to do something about it.


If you block someone via “recently played with” on Xbox does that stop you from being matchmade with them?

Hope so. I blocked a couple of people yesterday.

Just the win at any cost or quit types…

It does, at least temporarily. I once saw a player I reported and blocked months later but changed lobby so no idea if that person changed their ways.

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That blocks only communication inbetween you two. Text- and Partychat.

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I played online daily after reporting that dude and never saw him again until like 4 months later. Coincidence then? That’d be disappointing.