n00b questions

I apologize in advance as I’m not very knowledgeable about racing games or cars in general. My questions basically revolve around tuning and upgrading.

  1. Is there a big difference between custom and auto upgrading? I understand that with custom you obviously have more control with the specifics. But since I don’t know crap about upgrading I don’t want to get into it and mess up my car. So is auto upgrading good enough? And if not, is there a guide anywhere on upgrading your car with the basics?

  2. Does tuning make a huge difference? Since this game is more arcade than sim I’m guessing it isn’t as drastic but I’ve read it can help with various racing styles. I actually haven o idea what kind of style I have so I’m wondering how much can tuning effect my car/driving?

  3. If you can basically upgrade any car to like an S1 class, that doesn’t necessarily mean that an upgraded mini cooper will be comparable and on par with a ferrari, right? Same class, but that doesn’t mean same stats with different cosmetic appearance right?

Auto tuning puts in whatever parts necessary to upgrade to a certain level, but will not change wheels or do any major swaps (aspiration, drive type or engine swap).

I prefer to manually upgrade, as you can fiddle about with different combinations of parts to get my cars to an exact level. My personal preference is for my cars to be grippy, so when I upgrade I have a specific method, so I can focus on handling rather than power:

  1. I go through body mods to get the parts I think look best on the car and choose my wheels.

  2. I swap out all the parts related to handling, so brakes, suspension, differential, weight reduction, roll cage & tyres (On a side note, I drive with cockpit view, so I never install the full cage as it tends to impede on the view out). Then I upgrade the transmission.

  3. I then do different combos of engine parts to get to the max level for the particular class of the car.

Just what I do. I tend to find the physics in Forza a little oversteery, and with this method I usually end up with a car that has a good power to grip ratio

Tuning makes a HUGE difference. There are a couple of apps out there to guide you easily through the process if you are unsure of what to do. There is also the storefront to download tunes made by other players.

The class system works to even the playing field. Think back to the old days of British touring cars. You had the big V8 muscle cars that were good down the straights, but when they came to a corner the Minis and Escorts would zip around them. Same sort of thing here. On a short or twisty circuit, an upgraded Mini is a lot better than the more powerful but heavier and more cumbersome cars that can’t change direction as quickly or get their power down out of slower corners. Spectacular to look at but not as quick. On the flip side, a long straight point to point run, take the bigger, more powerful car as even fully upgraded, the little cars may still not have the power to keep up. Horses for courses.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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  1. when you custom upgrade it allows you to ‘personalize’ your cars more and you can tune them in a way that is best for you. The auto upgrades are random upgrades put together by the game for a particular class that you can choose. I personally prefer custom upgrade and I am no pro racer.

  2. tuning can make a difference being the game is closer to sim than some give it credit for. It’s for sure better than FH1. You can tune cars to your driving style, for example maybe you want 2 of the same car that can perform in different ways. Some prefer to tune cars for speed and some prefer handling. There are some good tuners in the Forza community, one might even pop in here that can get further into detail then I can.

  3. in reality the answer would be no, but a lot of it has to do with the level of the drivatar you’re racing against. My cousin races against ‘average’ drivatars and he can beat pretty much anything with anything. The harder the level you choose it becomes more important that you have the right car/upgrades.

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Thanks for the information guys, I really appreciate it.

Happy driving!

Under community tab you can browse user generated tunes for your vehicles and, for a small fee, apply them.