My theory on the free tracks

Simple theory really: As Turn 10 begins work on FM6, they’re creating new tracks, and they incorporate those new tracks into FM5 as they proceed.

Turn 10 said they’re building tracks from the ground up for this new generation, hence I believe every track from this game will be in 6. So, as they make new tracks for 6 and complete them, they toss them into FM5 for us for free so really they’re not really losing out on money.

That’s not to say all the launch tracks won’t get graphical enhancements and that these free DLC tracks are the final builds for FM6, but if my theory holds up (would be cool to get a confirmation but doubt it), then bravo Turn 10, a great decision and strategy that benefits everyone.



Sounds feasible, good thinking.

Not at all. TC proposed this is related to FM6 development, but these tracks were in the works long before FM5 was even released. This means it’s simply content not completed as of last November but completed since.

Yes and no! Maybe a few tracks to keep us happy, but think of it… what if we get all the tracks that gonna be in fm6 in fm5. Then they just could stick with fm5 and patch it now and then

We still miss a bunch of pretty freshly made tracks from fm4 like


And we got

Alpine Ring, that I think is the worst racetrack in the history of motorgames. It looks good, but its so boring… and everyone bounces on walls to go faster.

And we still miss tracks that have been in Forza for years like


My thought is that they will do these tracks alongside they patch up Forza 5 now and then, and Forza 6 will get all the tracks that Forza 5 has. Thats my idea

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I’m not expecting them to release all FM6 tracks before FM6, but like the ones they finish as they go. I’m sure we’ll get a couple more before this year is over.

Also I’m sure we’ll get those new tracks back for 6 or 7. I just see like FM8 or 9 being jam packed with like 50 tracks lol


like the guy above me said “yes and no” yes new to the series and something to build on this day out, and No cause in every forza game tracks get more detailed and the sun tends to be in adifferent area from their last game/games. Lets take for instance: these tracks maybe in their same graphical form in the next game but they may add day/night cycle rain, snow ect. my point is that T10 always make the tracks look little different all the time.

My theory is T10 will release the Ring as paid DLC after the season pass expires.


And my theory is,i will not buy it!


Doesnt belong to this thread but ok. Note taken

Yeh I agree, if the 'Ring is a paid DLC, I’ll happily pass on it. Not too keen on that track to begin with personally Free, I’ll get it no doubt. but paying for it? Nah.


And I think most people’s theory is that they don’t care about that ;-).

These might have been tracks scheduled to be released at launch but were not finished. As such someone probably had a good idea to include this with a small car pack plus additions to rivals, achievements, and career. Its possible we have already ‘paid’ for these tracks, but didn’t know it at launch and is thus why they are free.

Its also possible these tracks were ready to be on disc, but since MS promoted heavily the idea of game developers releasing content as they go, they were held off to go along with MS’ claims and also, more importantly, to keep the game fresh.

Or a combo or none of the above. haha.

What ever the reason, I’m just happy we are getting new tracks and legit street circuit. Honestly wasn’t thinking we would get more than 1 track so now that we have gotten 2 (plus a bunch of ribbons), I’m thrilled.

There was the super pass that was in Smartglass for a few hours until it was removed. Plans seemed to have been changed. Why or why not who knows.

I am not bothered by any of the reasons. My decision making is quite simple. Do I think I will get sufficient enjoyment from the dlc for any price that may be charged? If so I will buy, if not no go.

^ Pretty much my theory.

If you followed the release plan for Forza 5, it was originally NOT a X ONE launch title. Then apparently Microsoft told T10 it was a launch title and it was so. Seems like a move like that would put a rush on the release of the game. With the rush, some tracks weren’t ready to go and they are just giving us the tracks they “owe” us that weren’t complete when the game launched.

The reason for free tracks I think is that it segregates the community. Remember when they released Motegi as payed DLC, and not very many bought it.

  • I’ve seen a list on possible tracks to fm5. Nurgburgring wasnt on it, but Monza was and Long beach and some more
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I believe this is part of their reasoning. When I used to play Dirt3 I bought the Monte Carlo track pack and I felt like I wasted my money because I could only race there if I found someone who had the same DLC in a custom match so I rarely ever used it. By giving out tracks for free everyone is on a level playing field and all tracks can then be part of the hopper rotation as well. I feel T10 has made a very good move doing things this way.

According to rumors, it’s Pacific Raceways that T-10 have laser scanned besides Monza and Long Beach

I would prefer the next track to be a track outside the USA but Pacific Raceways would make a lot of sense for Forza since its in Washington the same state where Turn10 is headquartered. I’m surprised the franchise didn’t have real or fantasy track located in Washington before.

Not a big fan of Monza I would rather have Mugello Circuit back its a much better track and would make more sense since Forza 5 has a lot of Ferrari’s and the track is owned and used by Ferrari.

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Great theory man. To me it seems that Road America is not graphically up to par with the other tracks, and Long Beach barely has any active environmental objects. I think these things will be fixed for Forza 6.

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