Next free DLC is?

If you guys have read the latest week review its states that there will be free April DLC. Well looks like Nurburgring will be on its way after some people were invited to preview the track. From what the guy I spoke to said it is without doubt the most realistic version he has seen to date. Cant wait for it.

“after some people were invited to preview the track.”



So ummm, where did you hear this?

SourceLink/Photo/Video or it didn’t happen

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i find it hard to believe t10 would invite people to preview any add ons, other than maybe mods who they can trust not to say anything

It is true some people have got to preview the next free DLC. Darin from inside sim racing just got back from a trip to Turn 10. He says absolutely nothing about the Ring but what ever it is will be awesome.

Interesting, really interesting, I really hope it is Nurburgring, and Worm, go ahead and hit me with the hammer :slight_smile:

Can’t believe it’ll be the ring. As much as I’d like the Nordschleife/Nurburgring I doubt it would be free. Even so I’d gladly pay for it.

Road America was free so there’s a chance.

If it was just the Nordschleife then I think it should be free.

But I’d pay 10-20 bucks for a full add on that had the modern GP Track, the Ring, full circuit (GP and Ring joined) and finally the 1970s F1 layout.

I heard differently.

Nurgburgring + Porsche DLC?

I would highly doubt a Porsche DLC being free. If they do manage to get Porsche on FM5 then it will likely cost money just like it did with FM4.

If it’s the ring, I will import an Xbox one and Forza 5 immediately. Not going to wait till September to play this :confused:

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I’m really hoping its a 2014 Corvette C7 Stingray. I’ve been waiting for that in forza for quite a while!

Well now that it’s turned into both a track and car wishlist we all know what happens next.

Thread locked.

Have a nice day.