Greetings, this one is just a personal thread on what I MYSELF would like to see in FM '21/'22/whatever. this isn’t just cars but EVERYTHING to do with the next Forza
What to keep
- Free Play! Exactly the way it is. This is usually my main mode in FM7. I sincerely hope we can choose any car, track with all options available from the beginning. FM7 did Free Play perfectly. Basically we got to rent any car but didn’t earn credits or exp. However, you CAN earn EXP and credits through FP if you use cars you bought. In other words, you can progress and buy cars from only playing FP and having fun.
- Career non-linearity. FM7 had the perfect balance. Plenty of options for progression and it is satisfying to go through the cups my own way. IMO Forza 6 did it horribly making it a straight line throughout. Avoid that.
- Fictional tracks. Prague and Rio are my favourite tracks by far. They’re pretty, fun to drive on and have great layouts. Please don’t go to only licensed racetracks.
- Performance and paint. We can all agree this is a major selling point for Forza. I’m sure it’ll still be there. Just in case.
What to change
- Let. Us. Skip. Cutscenes. D: In both Motorsport/Horizon, unskippable cutscenes are always apparent. I can’t STAND being forced to watch cutscenes. In fact, as soon as I see there’s no skip option for these in most games I skip them entirely. Forza is only bearable cause there isn’t any annoying overarching storyline.
- Car list needs a complete reboot. I would even be happy with 200 road cars if we have a plethora of body customisation items for every car. No Hot Wheels and buggies either. Keep it to road cars and track. No need to be silly about it.
- In terms of career, I want to see Ferraris being earned. Not being handed to on a silver platter. Lower the winnings, up the prices but please, please don’t artificially lock them behind a “rarity” barrier.
What to add
- Car customisation! Speaking of the devil, give us lots of body kits, spoilers, bumpers, neons, way more rims you name it! As said above, if this is a reboot, take the time and give. us. more. body. options. The ONLY thing Forza is missing to be the only racing game needed.
- More city tracks, like way more. City tracks are by far my favourite kind of track and Forza would thrive with many layouts of the same few cities e.g PGR
- An open world map would be stellar but can’t see it happening
- Multiplayer “safety rating” like in GT Sport. That game had an absolutely excellent penalty and rating system. Basically the safer you play, the matchmaking will put you with safer players. It works like a charm in Gran Turismo so hoping FM8 will add.
What needs to return
From Forza Motorsport 4, this made that game’s career an absolute joy to play. Lock 'em until you buy the right cars, and instantly let us load up any division we can play.
- The looooong fictional tracks like Fujimi Kaido and Amalfi. C’mon, they’re so highly requested. and add one to boot
- Custom lobbies for fruit’s sake. Hey I just realised all these got removed after FM5…
What to avoid
- A cheesy, cinematic storyline like NFS is THE way to kill my hype. I don’t care about characters, narrative or any stupid betrayals and rivals. I WANT JUST RACING. Give us some legendary Jeremy Clarkson commentary at most
I hope those rumours aren’t true lmao.
- Locking cars artificially behind career progression. This is my greatest fear for FM8. As said above, make it harder to earn expensive cars but don’t restrict things. If I can grind for an Apollo for 20 hours I want to be able to do it. No less than that tho.
And that is it! How much do you agree with and disagree with? Anything else you would add or remove?