Multiplayer: VIP “crown” not showing beside Gamertag.

Hi there.

While playing in the Multiplayer Hoppers this evening I noticed that some users had the VIP “crown” beside their Gamertag.

I however do not, and I own the Ultimate Edition.

It does appear on the main menu of the game however, but not in the Hoppers.

This isn’t a critical issue but I figured I’d bring it up.

Does it only appear if you have the vip badge selected
Dont really know just guessing

Other drivers are using all sorts of Badges and it appears for them.

Others are same issue as well
I havent even checked mine

Mines the same as well

Same for me as well. I’m lucky to even have access to VIP most days, but I never have the VIP crown in multi

I also just noticed in singleplayer post race screen that some of my friends’ names have the crown next to them but I don’t have it. I have Ultimate Edition so VIP included and also got all the VIP cars, VIP badge, and the new VIP gifts but just the crown icon missing from next to my name…

Same here it appears on other players including friends but I don’t have my crown on race screens.

I had the same issue (no Crown in Singleplayer either), all other VIP features worked apparently (Gifted Cars, etc)

I fixed it by going home, choosing ‘quit game’ (in the Game Menu on the Dashboard), uninstalling the Forza VIP DLC, restarting my XBox from Settings, reinstalling the VIP DLC (My Games → Ready to Install) and launching Forza again.

Now my Crown is showing!

I didn’t do anything special to fix it, but now I’m playing and the crown appears next to my name. :slight_smile:

Same. I don’t know if it was hotfixed or something but I’m happy it’s there now.