Multiplayer terrible, compared to original Horizon

Any other players find that the zero option muliplayer screen frustrating? Joining a hosts game and hoping that the other players want to play the same MP mode is truly annoying.

So, the Private Online mode is also not to your liking? Wonder what other option you are looking for then; online is online and if it’s not in the game, then what?

I think he might be looking for a custom public lobby which I don’t think even exist in this game, correct me if I’m wrong though.

Agree 100% bro xbox360 horizon wasnt to bad it was a great game for it’s time and i respected it there was alot more thought put into the first game. Don’t get me wrong i love this game but they could have put more work into the game on little details besides weather being the main focus. One tiny thing for example why didn’t they put a podium in for finishing top 3 overall in the championship to show off your vehicle a little more in the road trips? They should have made the road trips voting system a little better to but hey they worked there butts off.

well we had to do a thing where if we wanted to invite a person into the game they had to leave the party and we had to then invite to make him join free roam. (private)
the main thing that they could have done in FH2 in 360 (dont know if it happens in xbox one version) but fix the seeing paint jobs of other people in free roam that never got fixed in FH1.

And the car sounds also!

I’m finding it fun enough. Definately had some giggle-worthy moments online.

No probs with the multiplayer here, plenty people online to play with, so to speak

If Horizon 2 were nothing more than Horizon 1 with a new map, tuning, and updated graphics befitting the new console, I would have been 100% satisfied. But the solo career mode is a step back from the first, the multiplayer modes strike me as flawed in conception, and the metro-inspired menu system is cluttered unintuitive, and frustrating (fwiw, metro also finally moved me to abandon Windows on my desktop and laptop). For several reasons, the game just feels too closed in and too limited. I think it might be in reponse to the first being too open for some and I’m thinking the future will likely be a Goldilocks solution.

The solo mode is fun but misses tha mark in a couple ways for me. The road trip to 4 part championship mode trope hides progression. In the first horizon, I could revisit any prior event to I improve my time and even skip some events if I made enough XP to move on to the head-to-head armband races. The increasingly populated map served as a reminder of what I’d accomplished and let me treat the races as main quest/side quest items. In 2, it’s just a map. Sure, there are the signs and bucket lists but these are all once-and-done. The hub/championship setup reduces impetus for exploration and messing around. The inabilty to select any ampionship at any hub at any time makes the post finale game too grindy. Also, the lack of long races is disappointing. Tracks like Desert to Dam were extremely fun, and I miss them.

Horizon 2’s multiplayer is just too limited and inaccessible. I dont generally play online freeroam because I can’t seem to connect with like minded players. For that matter, I’m having trouble finding players I could describe as any sort of minded. Seems most just want to drag race or run high speeds on the freeway, or just smash their cars all day. I haven’t seen a single race started from free roam that was class limited. Road trip is a total waste because I’d rather go fast than try to look cool. Without constant drifting and crashing through roadside obstacles, it is impossible to gather a competitive number of points, and even sweeping the races might not be enough to finish better than middle-of-the-pack in points. So that pushes me to run mostly showdowns. This limits the courses down to one of three or four at each car show, making the game seem much smaller than it really is, and missing out on a lot of really fun courses. It also makes races between more than 2-3 people rare, and same-class competitors almost non existent unless I hop into an S2 or X. And in any mode, there is no way to know what course is going to be run so cars have to be turned for general purpose rather than spefically for sprint vs high speed or pavement vs gravel. These issues were not present in Horizon 1 because I could search for lobbies with the class limited to what I want to drive, the race type I want to drive, and the ability to select any course or any mode if desired. The old way was far more empowering to the user and more conducive to an enjoyable experience.

Finally, the interface is not clearly or adequately prompted. I had the game for a week before I found out there was an accessible telemetry mode. I had it for 2 before I found out how to access rivals races outside of the car/XP recap immediately after a race. I was clued in to each of those by other users in the forums. I still don’t know where to find leaderboards for individual races or how not tell what car/class my rival opponents are using. I’d be surprised if they’re not there, but it’s It’s not intuitively clear in the menus. Accessing the rivals from the menu is an improvement over fast travel to a hub followed by driving to the event as it was done in Horizon 1 but had I not gotten involved on the forums, I never would have known it was there (or anywhere, for that matter, since the races are hidden when they are not part of active championship series)

I don’t mean to come off as whining about it, or to leave the impression that I don’t like the game. It’s a ton of fun and I’ve been playing the hell out it and enjoying just about every minute. I got the full whiz-bang deluxe season pass version and don’t regret it at all. In fact, it is the first season pass I’ve bought that I didn’t come to regret after a few days of playing the game. But I do feel Horizon 2 has a few shortcomings in areas that previous Forza games have handled with near perfection, and I have attempted to provide enough context and rationale above (I hope) for my comments to be taken as construcve criticism rather than just nitpicking or complaining. My intention is not to drag down the game or the developers’ efforts but to provide feedback so that subsequent efforts might result in an even better product.