Multiplayer ?s

Ok I just got the new console over the weekend, and sometimes in a race there will be huge frame rate drops, almost looking as if something’s buffering because the whole screen shutters for mutiple seconds at a time, an mostly mutiple times in one race. This happens mainly when someone talks or yells in their mic, and it’s just weird. Also when someone tries to talk most of the time before they speak there is a (tic tic tic) sound, almost like trying start a car with a dead battery. I did notice last night after I muted the people who were talking everything ran smoothly for the most part. Also I will add that I know I wasn’t lagging as no one was jumping around my screen, everyone was on the road… It’s just the frame rate drop that kills me. Is this normal? I’ve never had anything this bad before on any game or console, and it’s frustraiting because I don’t want to have to mute everyone just to play online. Thanks for your time guys.

Try doing a hard reset on your console. When mine acts up thats what i do and 99 times out of 100 the problem is fixed… hold the power button on your console for about 5 seconds and you will see it power off. Let it set there for about 30 seconds and then power back up. Hope that helps

The game has it’s ups and downs with the chat and lags in multiplayer for a while now. The frame rate is probably some server issues in the lobby you were running. I have been in a few lobbies that ran perfect and then someone else joins or leaves and it goes to crap for a while before getting good again. Best you can do is endure it or reset the game itself and join a different lobby. Don’t worry about reseting the system unless it’s a complete freeze. The entire issue is with the game itself and not ur system.

Known issues I am aware of:

Robot voices - in game chat is not reliable but I have never heard a link between voice and lag or stutter
Game pauses - usually in one or two spots on Le Mans. My suspicion is it is buffering the next section of track.
Slowdown - often turn 1 on Indy GP and sometimes on Prague the whole game slows down - probably frame rate issues.
Lag - rubber banding ie slow down and speed up.
Cars flying - another lag issue.

I did around 10 races last night and saw none of these issues though. The only issue I saw last night was specific players lagging about eg jumping up and down and sometimes sideways.

Yeah Nat. the biggest problem was on Prauge, it was the first time I raced that track so I didn’t know what to expect. Who knows it could be an issue since mine was the digital download? Oh well, I guess I’ll have to play through it.

I moved FM5 a few days ago to my external drive; haven’t had a stutter in gameplay since during Career / Rivals.

Think most issues described here about the interaction with other human players is down to maybe setting up your modem/router & console correctly with portforwards and/or DMZ.

So you reckon a faster external HDD should fix the stutter issue? How much faster should it be? Is the X1’s HDD considerably slow in contrast?

The internal HDD is 5400rpm. If you get a 7200rpm external drive most of your frame rate issues will likely go away. Worked for me.

YMMV, WAC, etc


Thanks for the response Toni. I’m disappointed though, saved $500 for the console plus both Forza games, and I was looking forward to spending the greater half of my spare time on FM5.

There are no stutters at all in Horizon 2. NONE.

Seems buying an external HDD just to rid the stutters will be a monumental waste of hard-earned cash.

Thanks for the feedback; maybe I’ll consider it somewhere down the road if I ever run out of space, which seems unlikely, since I won’t be buying too many games. Not right away, anyway.

I think FH2 runs at 30 fps instead of 60?
I have F5 installed, and a couple FREE Gold live games (Worms battelground and Pool Nation) and MCC and I’m at 34%ish, guessing as I’m not looking at it. That’s with the 500G not the 1Terrabyte.

Does the stuttering on Lemans go away with the faster HD? very curious.

The game and the xbox one are just v slow n outdated, until we get the new update/windows etc it is what it is…its just a shame they dont admit there problems instead of this reboot/check your net garbage…sound/framerate etc its just a poorly made game on a console that needs updating.

Well, maybe…a faster HDD or a 7200 rpm SDD might cure the hiccups, but then again its a gamble.

I hope to see these issues getting resolved with future updates and refinements. Yes, the console is somewhat still in its infancy, so I’m willing to cut it a little slack, but not too much!

I wish someone from T10 or MS would honestly admit the issue, as it is there, and tell us how or when it will be addressed.

I’m going to be absolutely crushed if the stutter and sound bug carry over to FM6!