In our league we are currently struggling to download Replays of our endurance races. This has been from the early Access on and we thought that it would be fixed after the first content update. The Replays of our races are really important to some people, as they love watching them again after the race. Also, the Replays are used to control everything went fine and no one was corner cutting, exceeding tracklimits or causing collisions. In Forza 5 the Replay was simply saved and could run about 25 minutes (+/- 10), even though the race was 1,5 hrs long.
In Forza 6 you will be disconnected from the current lobby and wait in the Multiplayer hopper selection, once you try to save the long replay (30min+).
We’ve already tested if we exceeded the limit of 10 Replays, but even with 0 Replays you can’t save the long Replays. A comment from the devs would be highly appreciated.
replays not being saved for me too. after our club meets i make highlight videos for us to chukle over. after a 8 race night only one replay was able to be saved. and all of us tried after each race hoping one would save and could be shared. about it - had no idea this was even an issue til I went to save a replay from an online race tonight - I’d been smashed off twice after the first 2 corners at Road America which left me 22nd place - ended up dodging my way through the field and managed to take 1st with 100ft to spare and was really looking forward to sitting back and enjoying my handiwork. And now I can’t.
Any chance of a fix for this? I mean the organised leagues need this more than me but that was the perfect video to showcase how awesome the Lamborghini Huracan can be in R class.
On polish stage FM6 is organizing a good deal of leagues and various types of races. One of the main problems is impossibility to save replay of the race, which duration exceed to more than 40 minutes (we don’t organize shorter ones). This is a huge problem, because I am not able to check incidents that occurred after race. In consequence organizing any big league is pointless, because I am not able to take control over the rigidity. I don’t understand why this problem was not fixed with the latest patch. If T10 thinks that this problem is not essential, then it hits directly people that value fair play races. I therefore hope that this problem will be quickly resolved and we will go back to FM5 times, where online races were pure pleasure, because currently it`s on big hard labor.
I’d really like to hear from the devs, what is possible there. Maybe it is a limitation of the cloud space or just a simple bug.
By the Forza score of the people that posted here, you can see, that it’s pretty much the veterans asking for this to be fixed. I’m really looking forward for an answer of Turn10.
It is a big disadvantage when we haven’t possibility to save a replay. In many racing events we can’t judge properly race accidents. This problem should be resolve as soon as possible.
In the last weeks we had 3 races with nearly 20 driver over a distance from 45 minutes in our community and could not save the replay. This is very important for our race community and in the past it was no problem in Forza 4 and 5.