Multiplayer game chat still broken

I didn’t see any thread calling out this issue but the first public lobby I joined after picking up the game, this old but faithful issue reared its head again.

The issue simple is everyone cannot communicate with everyone. A simple example, player A can hear player B but can hear player C, player C can hear both player A and C. The types of comm scenarios can go on and on. It is an issue with Forza 5, it is an issue with Project Cars, and it is an issue with Forza 6.

Given that Turn 10 is a first party developer, it would be nice if they would help Microsoft get this issue resolved once and for all.


It can also vary from race to race.

Player A and B can hear and talk to each other for many races. Later, both parties or one player can’t hear the other.

I’ve also seen player A and B talking in lobby but once race starts, one or both can’t hear/speak to the other.

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Agreed. Gets really frustrating when you are in a league race and trying to race clean. You try to be courteous and tell someone you are about to pass them, are on their left side, etc…only to end up having them not hear you, collide with you, and cost you the race. :frowning:

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Extremely disappointed this didn’t get more traction. It amazes me that the player base is willing to tolerate this. A racing group I just joined is now requiring drivers to use Skype for comms due to game chat being a complete joke.


It’s funny, in a sad sort of way. Microsoft owns Skype and they have Lync(now “Skype for Business”) and MSN Messenger but they can’t make voip work at all on xbox one.

Damnit Microsoft. Stop making bloated junk that doesn’t work. Xbox 360 had some issues, but nowhere near the issues on xbone.


THIS. And the fact that we are paying for a service.

Voice chat in public lobbies is broken. Fix it Microsoft.

I don’t know the exact cause of the issue, but I using the TX wheel with the controller - head phones/mic plugged into controller, I can hear others, but they can’t hear me. To fix the issue I hit one of the buttons on the controller a few times and this seems to wake up the mic and people can hear me. Did this procedure a few times each time I talk but don’t see my mic icon ‘active’ or see my name flashing at the bottom of the screen, indicating current player talking - this fixed it for me.

I started experiencing this issue last night in Leagues, where I could hear 2 out of the 3 people that were having a conversation.

We had all been talking and racing the night before, so I’m fairly certain none of them have muted me.

It was most likely a connection issue, but ever since I got my new router last week my multiplayer performance has improved significantly, so I’m not sure that’s where the issue lies.

This and global chat completely chugging the game make multiplayer unplayable. Someone talking into global chat even chugs the lobby screen.

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Its weird as this should not be happening, the game runs on a server and the chat should also be connected to that server therefore chat issue should not happen, that along with the fact they fixed the chat problems on F5 so why has it happened again?

To me it’s a simple case of testing, games are no longer properly tested for failure, they now test games as single player experiences, and of course lobby chat bugs wont show up.

They say this is what they have been working towards, well then i have to say you guys suck, 10 years in and basic errors still happening, its not a new feature so how was it working in 5 but not in 6.

I’m sure they will fix it but a quick heads up, PCars didnt fix theres and now that games is dead…theres your example of what not to do.

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Just a small reminder that quite a few people are doing the New Xbox One Experience beta, which has a multitude of chat issues currently which are being worked on.

If you’re paired up with folks in that beta, there may be issues, including, but not limited to: Being dropped from the chat without notification, inability to hear certain other people in the chat, not receiving notifications of people who are talking, talking but no one else in the chat can hear you (may be dropped), and closure of Skype or the chat screen when you switch between games.

These issues are known in the beta, hopefully to be fixed whenever a new build is released by the beta team, and affect most all games across a wide sampling, not just Forza Motorsport 6. Unfortunately. for the time being, we are in a mixture of communications software which doesn’t play nice with the original Xbox One chat, and it appears that a single person using the beta software may affect all others in the chat.

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Good onfo^, I have the beta and noticed the voice chat is now even worse! Makes sense now.:expressionless:

No transformer voices on Halo5 yesterday. Also I was able to hear the same teammates through out the matches. I did report the problem through the preview app though.

As I posted previously, there seem to be known issues with Chat - and especially for those in the New Xbox One Experience beta - which may be not a game issue, but because of the chat system mixture of those in the beta (newer software, which doesn’t work) and those still on the public version of the Xbox One software. Forza Motorsport 6 users are not the only ones complaining about chat, complaints come from a whole lot of other games, too.

As noted with the latest beta release for NXOE:

“Party and game chat: You may be unable to hear others when joining a party chat.
Workaround: Switching to game chat should allow you to hear others correctly.”

For the time being, it might be worth making sure everyone in the room is in the game chat, and ask (if you can be heard or hear) to see if you’ve got the mixture between old and new systems.

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Problem is the multiplayer chat hasn’t worked from day one (I have the ultimate edition and it didn’t work during the early access period), long before the “beta” of the new Xbox one dashboard / experience. You can have up to 24 players in a lobby, but are lucky if you can hold a conversation with more than 4 of them. Then, once the actual race starts, you lose the ability to talk to the people that you were just talking to in the pre-race lobby. Here’s hoping this gets sorted out, as like I stated in my previous post - it’s frustrating when you are racing and trying to tell someone “about to pass you on the left”, and them not be able to hear you, resulting in collisions.


As players in other games have said, too. There is quite a list of games over the past couple months where the communications have been questionable, if downright missing.

It is like all the “download won’t finish” situations, or downloads which “fail” initially - whether full digital games or game updates/DLC. It is across the board, and really indicates some back end issues on Xbox Live’s servers for the Xbox One now that they’re pushing forward with the New Xbox One Experience. I had a different game’s update this morning which “failed.” But I did the hard reset of the X1, and as soon as I signed in again, the download progressed properly.

Another oddity is some downloads are being shown as going beyond 100% - like to 110% of the item - before completing and being made available for use. That isn’t those games, but the back end software (and mixture of the public Xbox One build transitioning into the NXOE server support.

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Has anyone tested 20+ players on Skype?

In a private lobby our group problem is we can be 24 racers can’t hear no one but 3 or 4 people so we switch to party chat new problem we have to split the group in two 12 on each team because you can only have a max of 12 people in a party chat when will this be fixed so we can be more than 12 people in a party chat (let’s be daring and go for all 24???)

Same Problems here.When we are play in a private Lobby some people can hear each other and some not.It makes no Difference in Party or Lobbychat.Please fix that Problem.

I know these Problems too. They are appearing in Private and Public Lobbys. You see the indicator that someone is talking, but cannot hear him. And then others respond to him. And maybe the Person you cannot hear can hear you. Its all weird and anoying.

And now everyone got NXOE, but the Problems are still there. Got NXOE still problems with chat ? Is there still a difference between Preview Dashbord Users and Standard Dashboard Users in the Chat system ?

It need to be fixed. Maybe T10 got to kick Microsoft, or the other Way. But now i cannot enjoy 24 Player Lobbys with a chat that got its own crazy Head.
Almost the worst thing is that we dont know if someone cares who could be able to change it. Or if its ever be fixed.

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